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Your initiatives will rightly be upheld as a shining example for tourism businesses and practitioners across the globe. �_]��a�,�R'�-����?�)����5]PZg4��[̌��� Less than 24 Between 24 and 39 Between 40 and 55 Over 55 Question Title * 2. Business Plan Questionnaire Find out some more of sustainability in the tourism sector by taking this quiz. Scroll down if you want to skip the info about how to design a tourism questionnaire! Do analyze this sample business document and get the idea of drafting a custom questionnaire.You may also see leadership self assessment.

Implementation of anti-corruption measures; providing accurate and honest information to tourists on destinations and tourism goods and services; ensuring the safety of tourists and providing assistance in cases of force majeure; respecting quality service standards; encouraging responsible behaviour by clients, providers and business partners)(e.g.

The standard questionnaire design is a set of questions with fixed alternatives.

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