If we can’t believe in our institutions, like the free press and FBI, America is doomed. In 1Cor. But the Holy Spirit, who shows no partiality, also alerted me of a negative or ungodly or evil undertow in her book which crept just beneath the surface of all the splendid truths recorded on the pages.
And a godless lifestyle can range from self-centered living to ritual abuse satanism. “Beloved, believe not every spirit but try the spirits whether they are of God, as many false prophets are gone out into the world.” (1 John 4:1) “They searched the scriptures daily whether those things were so.” (Acts 17:11)Inclusion on this site does not imply agreement with or endorsement of anything said by that individual or organisation elsewhere, or any links therein. Pray for guidance and discernment and test everything against the word of God. Your response is not Biblical and smacks of experiential occultism and not from the Word. However, whatever gender is assigned to the Jezebel spirit, it does make a home in females more often than in males, due to its MO, though it uses both.It is interesting that the author states the Jezebel spirit has no gender, then turns around and uses only masculine terminology to describe it, when the risen Christ refers to it in the feminine, as found in Revelations.

In the Matthew account (Matt. You say, ‘If anyone swears by the temple, it means nothing; but anyone who swears by the gold of the temple is bound by that oath.’ 17 You blind fools! February. Blind and hypocritical loyalty is what a deranged and fanatical cult looks like. While there is only one Satan himself. You seemed unable to see things plainly written in front of you– bad for Bible reading– not to speak of discern their meaning– very bad for Bible reading. There’s a difference in hating the wrong things a person does and hating the person. A prayer for you:Lord, You are the Answer when there are only questions, the Solution when there are only puzzles. 1Kings 22 is the prime example.

Also the fact that you don’t believe all Christians have the Holy Spirit shows me you are some type of Pentecostal or other related type, which as far as I understand is not only unscriptural, but very influenced by demons, as per the creator of this very website (If it is who I believe it is, the person who helped me escape Tarot 5 years ago).Finally, the fact that you mentioned that God “reveals” things to you about Trump makes me a bit suspicious.
68:6– “God sets the solitary in families; He brings out those who are bound into prosperity”); there are many churches today but very few communities (as Paul said, “You have ten thousand instructors (people who teach you) but not many fathers (people who support you)” –1Cor. )I believe that it is the human component that makes the Jezebel spirit such a force in the world and not simply the power that the spirit has in itself. We are to exercise our discernment purposely and with intent; our discernment is already always functioning 24/7 so we may as well do it purposely and benefit spiritually from it. I will look up that video.

The way is narrow and difficult, and few find it.This is great and pretty much hits the nail on the head. “The Devil Trump is worse than any President ever.” That first statement of yours alone shows quite clearly to those with eyes to see that the devil is in you, not in Trump.Interesting you support the worst Jezebel of our generation and you know nothing about me, but you judge me. But I have prayed for you…” satan asked God for the authority (not power)– the right– to test the apostles. It drives me nuts when people say that stealing a pen from the office is the same to God as murder. Each generation is tested with an evil man. Or trying to help people keep their jobs or something? When you look at people and ‘movements’ like Bill Johnson, Anderson Cooper, Don Lemon, Bill & Hillary Clinton, Todd White, Todd Bentley, Patricia King, hyper-charismatic churches, Mike Bickle and many 24/7 houses of prayer, Britney Spears, Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt, the LGBTQ movement, Disney and Nickelodeon child stars, many movie and music stars and models and porn stars, what you are seeing is the ‘handiwork of satan’– people that he controls through ‘controllers’ in order to through those people control the masses. A sinner. Sometimes I am such a technotard, when it comes to electronics!Jennifer: You have not told me anything, except attack me and defend Trump. !Well, let’s keep in mind that God used Cyrus and other political leaders in the past, some of whom believed in God, some didn’t, but it was to do His will.

But we speak the wisdom of God in a mystery, the hidden wisdom which God ordained before the ages for our glory, 8 which none of the rulers of this age knew; for had they known, they would not have crucified the Lord of glory” (1Cor. Reading through the comments about Trump’s day-old presidency, I paused on the following one by Steve Cooper, a fellow American (lest my words against the bone-dry dead christians who populate the landscape of America seem to come from bitterness and a wrong spirit) in whose words one can sense the self-possession (temperance) that is present in most of the commenters on Strom’s site:“Trump was elected as President. It is ridiculous!Right. At least she is a believer as are my granddaughters, so praise God for that. I tell them to proceed to bring along one or more other ‘unbelieving friends’ and to play on their Ouija board.