"I'm a faun, you dork!" She also made a cameo in Spyro: Year of the Dragon. Elora (エローラ Erōra in Japanese) is a Faun from Avalar. When Spyro defeated Ripto, Elora trusted Hunter to persuade Moneybags to return all the gems Spyro had paid to him. Her debut was in the second game of the original series, in which she helps Spyro by giving him the Guidebook, and giving him helpful hints now and then.

Although Spyro missed his chance with Elora in Hunter and Elora are shown to be friends, but Elora has occasionally shown annoyance at his antics or disbelief in his abilities. "Spyro 2: Riptos Rage (2018)" All Character Dialogue (Elora) When Spyro asked her and the others to join him on a vacation due to all of the awful things that transpired during Ripto's stay in Avalar, Elora declined his offer of going to Elora shows some romantic interest in Spyro that developed during his visit in Avalar.

Zoe is shown to be a close friend of Elora, seeing how Elora trusted her to keep track of Spyro's progress throughout his adventures. After the Professor agreed on the possibility, she went with both the Professor and Hunter to After Spyro defeated Ripto, Elora kissed Spyro as thanks for saving Avalar. Elora is an expert on the people of Avalar, becoming the natural choice when it came to helping Spyro defeat the evil Hearing that Ripto disliked dragons, Elora asked if it was possible to catch one. —Elora. Elora's relationship with the Professor is shown to mostly be positive, since it is thanks to his technological knowledge that they brought Spyro to save Avalar. However, one cutscene in Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat. In her first two appearances, Elora has blue eyes and purple eyeshadow, her top torso has skin with a small green corset, and she has a fox-like tail.