Lake-Link Inc assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions of the information for this Steiger. It is a unique resource for the Twin Cities Metro Area; it is completely surrounded by Carver Park Reserve, precluding any shoreline development. Stieger Lake is 158 acres of quiet beauty. The information contained in this page is provided on an "as is" basis with no guarantees of completeness, accuracy, usefulness or timeliness. Legal. A catch-and-release regulation for largemouth bass and northern pike was implemented in 1988. $1.99. This download also includes: Auburn. A large regional park provides ample recreational facilities. Updated in 2016, this downloadable PDF includes stocking and survey information, fishing hotspots, insider tips, contour lake map, access info and more! The lake is located in north central Carver County, Minnesota. ... contour lake map, access info and more!

Steiger Lake Boat Launch is a boat launch in Victoria, MN on Stieger Lake in Carver Park Reserve.

Lake-Link Members have access to 2,740 high-quality topographical lake maps from Illinois, Iowa, Minnesota, North Dakota, Ohio, South Dakota and Wisconsin with Lake-Link's Map Viewer system. Per park district rules, a fee permit is required to park vehicle-boat trailer combinations within the park; in addition, Steiger has a 15-mph speed limit lake surface-use restriction. This lake contains a pike-bass-panfish type fish community. Reviews (612) 709-1784. The entire lake lies within the boundaries of Three Rivers Park (Carver Park Reserve). Per park district rules, a fee permit is required to park vehicle-boat trailer combinations within the park; in addition, Steiger has a 15-mph speed limit lake surface-use restriction. Menu & Reservations Make Reservations . View a map of this area and more on Natural Atlas. The boat launch is on the Southeast corner of the lake and accessed from Steiger Lake Lane near the Lake Minnetonka Regional Trail. Help Get directions, reviews and information for Steiger Lake in Victoria, MN. Copyright © 2020 Lake-Link Inc. All rights reserved. Steiger Lake 1715 Steiger Lake Ln Victoria MN 55386. Comprised of a series of smaller, interconnected lakes and bays that, when t...Lake Minnewashta is a 679 acre lake with a maximum depth of 70 feet, located in Carver County. The entire lake lies within the boundaries of Three Rivers Park (Carver Park Reserve). Steiger Lake is a 166 acre Class 24 lake with a maximum depth of 37 feet. Save more when you order 2 or more items: Quantity: Product Description. The shoreline around Steiger remains in a natural state. The entire lake lies within the boundaries of Three Rivers Park (Carver Park Reserve). You can get GPS coordinates off any spot on the lake, customize the map, print them and even export waypoints from the Map Viewer to your onboard electronics or GPS device. Two boat launches are located within the pa...Parley Lake is a 257 acre lake with a maximum depth of 18 feet. Steiger Lake is a 158-acre Class 24 lake with a maximum depth of 37 feet. Steiger Lake is a 158-acre Class 24 lake with a maximum depth of 37 feet. The entire lake lies within the boundaries of Three Rivers Park (Carver Park Reserve).