The initial delivery said 3-5 working days, it turned out to be 15 days before their arrival.The first step to adding the door sensors was to add a custom device handler to the SmartThings control hub. I wanna ask how to connect xiaomi door senzor to the Google home or smart things without having hub. Copyright © 2020 Make a Smarter Home — WordPress theme by One of the initial reasons I chose to invest in SmartThings was the ability to keep an eye on my house via my phone, making sure it was secure. A little caveat. At £6.11 per sensor, it seemed like the ideal solution to add to my smart home. Is the aqara still showing – for battery? The battery reading is not entirely accurate but does not impact on how the device works. I had to move my wifi channels so they did not interfere with my zigbee. The steps pretty much work for all zigbee powered Xiaomi devices and the only difference is the device handlers used for the different sensors. I have been modifying the Original Xiaomi DH to get the Aqara support.If you do not have a different DH please try mine and let me know if it works.That seems strange. Because the sensor does not finish the pairing process it does not … Also interference on the 2.4 frequency band can be an issue. The app will immediately start looking for new devices. The initial starter box included 1 door and window sensor and 1 motion sensor. But my OCD needs thisMy original xiaomi sensor is showing 91% and the Aqara is showing 0%. They paired almost exactly the same, they use the same device handler, and they report open and closed the same with the same distance between the sensor and magnet.Here are some side-by-side comparison pictures, Original Xiaomi on the left, Aqara on the right:I just paired them today and got them working with no issues whatsoever thanks to the device handler from Bottom line, these are totally worth every penny and I’ll be buying more!Yep i myself bought like alot of them, they are pretty cool for the price. sidjohn1 (sidjohn1) May 24, 2020, 5:31pm There is no pattern (unless someone has found one), you simply need to alternate between clicking the button and holding it.Once it’s picked up it should show Xiaomi Door sensor and it will allow you to change the name.The Xiaomi door and window sensors proved a useful addition to my smart home at a fantastic price. Idk if that’s correct or not, since my other sensor is showing 90%, but at least my ST app isn’t complaining about it anymore!Yeah I am not sure if I am looking at the correct bytes or not. If you do not have a different DH please try mine and let me know if it works. To do this login to your control panel at Click the ‘+ Create New Device Handler’, select the tab ‘From Code’, copy code from and paste in the box. We'll assume you're ok with this, but you can opt-out if you wish. To do this go on to your SmartThings app, got to my home and click the + button in the top right corner. Although they’re not as easy to connect or as feature-packed (such as temperature readings) as the SmartThings sensors they prove to be reliable and work extremely well.One of the sensors did drop out after 12 hours (the first time I added it), however, after reinstalling it, there has been no further issues.If you are looking for affordable door sensors to add to SmartThings, we’d highly recommend them!“Adding Xiaomi Door and Window Sensors to SmartThings”This website uses cookies to improve your experience.