as 1. It enables using the email alias rather than the complete or original email address to send email to the corresponding email address or the recipient.An email alias can also be referred to as virtual email address or forwarding email address.An email alias is primarily a forwarding email address that corresponds to an email address.
An email alias can be assigned to only one user/e-mail on a mail server or mail domain. An assumed name: The swindler worked under various aliases. The Alias allows them to more easily remember which address is which on their account, for example Home or Office.

However, an email address can have more than one email alias, all of which refer to the primary email address.Join nearly 200,000 subscribers who receive actionable tech insights from Techopedia. I think that account registration script is overloaded with a bunch of customer addresses while 1 address is imo quite enough.For instance, what does it mean (required field) "Assign an address title for future reference" -- Both fields, this one and Address1, are required, and i guess in 99% the same.These suggested 3 addresses, Address1, Address2 and alias Address, are i'm sure tiresome and confusing for the customers.I think that account registration script is overloaded with a bunch of customer addresses while 1 address is imo quite enough.For instance, what does it mean (required field) "Assign an address title for future reference" -- Both fields, this one and Address1, are required, and i guess in 99% the same.These suggested 3 addresses, Address1, Address2 and alias Address, are i'm sure tiresome and confusing for the customers.That field is for your customer's benefit. An email alias refers to an email address that is associated with another destination email address.

An alias email address is an additional address associated with your account that you can use to send, reply to, or forward emails. An email alias can also be referred to as virtual email address or forwarding email address.

Definition of alias (Entry 2 of 2) : an assumed or additional name that a person (such as a criminal) sometimes uses a fugitive using several aliases He checked into the hotel using an alias. With, you can send email from up to 10 different sender addresses, including the address you initially registered with. I think many customers would be confused with it, but at least i can resolve it in the field translation.While I wouldn't recommend that you remove the Alias (you could always translate it to something less confusing, if you prefer), you can find a discussion on doing so You need to be a member in order to leave a commentSign up for a new account in our community. Typically, email alias's are created to provide an alternative an easier means to remember long and difficult email addresses. Address1 and Address2 are part of the same entry, Address2 is only needed if the address has a second line, such as an apartment number. Using these, you accept the use of cookies.


a false name used to conceal one's identity; an assumed name: The police files indicate that “Smith” is an alias for Simpson. es.

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It enables using the email alias rather than the complete or original email address to send email to the corresponding email address or the recipient. The Alias allows them to more easily remember which address is which on their account, for example Home or Office.Address1 and Address2 are part of the same entry, Address2 is only needed if the address has a second line, such as an apartment number.I doubt that many people need a reminder of which is home and which is their office address..I'm pretty certain that this field will be very confusing to my customers in the registration process (after all it was to me).I was reading a topic (can't find it at the moment) about making it hidden in some css.I would really like to remove it from the registration, so what do you think about it?As for the Address2 as a part of the same entry, i think the field name (the both) was quite unfortunately chosen.Since we have the field Address1 then it's kinda logical (to me at least) to presume that Address2 is the second address not second line.

John Smith, who goes by the alias Richard Jones Synonyms More Example Sentences Learn More about alias Computers An alternate name or address, especially an email address that forwards incoming email to another address.

Email alias's are generally configured on a mail server or the mail service provider control panel. An email alias refers to an email address that is associated with another destination email address.