Animals found on the Antarctic region are calm in nature. The dark sea floor of the Antarctic, beneath sea ice, is covered with life. The longest tusks can reach over eight feet long (2.4 meters).

A large portion of narwhals lives in Baffin Bay, which is the body of water between the northeastern coast of Canada and Greenland.

Antarctica is covered by ice throughout the year, less than 5% of Antarctica is free of ice.Antarctic has remained an unpopulated area throughout the history.
Also, a belt of floating mass of ice debris called the ice pack surrounds the continent of Antarctica. Antarctica, on the other hand, is a continent, covered by a very thick ice cap and surrounded by a rim of sea ice and the Southern Ocean. Icebergs are formed when chunks of glacial ice break off (called calving) from an ice sheet or shelf.

Seen here is a Dorset point made of Ramah Chert that was recovered at Hare Harbor.A stormy sea lashes the village of Shismaref, Alaska, where the coastline has eroded 30–90 m (100–300 ft) in the past 30 years.A view of McMurdo Station with a frozen Ross Sea in the background.This ivory sculpture from Point Barrow, Alaska, represents Kikámigo, a guardian spirit, holding a whale in each hand. But the McMurdo Station is the hub of the U.S. Antarctic Program. It is surrounded by Greenland, Canada, and Russia.• The Arctic has indigenous people such as Inuits, Indians and Siberians, but Antarctic remains unpopulated.

If you were to stand at either pole, the view would be superficially very similar, there would be a great expanse of flat (ish) white snow and ice as far as the eye can see with few or no other features to break up the vista.

A female walrus and her calf ((The Wales Inupiaq Sea Ice Dictionary, courtesy of Igor Krupnik (NMNH))Every year as the sun disappears for the winter, the surface waters around Antarctica freeze into a slab of ice 10-feet thick, which effectively doubles the size of the continent. In other words, Arctic and Antarctic can be defined as regions related to North and South poles. Also, while the Antarctic region is covered with snow all thorough the year, the Arctic lands generally have a summer, free from ice and snow.Arctic and Antarctic differ a lot when it comes to the human activity and animal and plant life existent on them. Exactly how climate change will affect the Arctic is hard to predict.

The environments at the poles are some of the harshest on Earth—yet animals have found ways to survive there against the odds.Meanwhile, the southern polar region has the opposite geography, with the huge landmass of Antarctica surrounded by the turbulent Southern Ocean. The Arctic is characterized by the blowing of mild winds.

It is interesting to note that the Arctic region was found long before the Antarctic region was found.When you look at the globe, Arctic is the region on the top-most corner of the world.

Weddell Seals live year round in the frigid waters of the Southern Ocean.
The Arctic region has towns and other living places. This explosion of life supports the entire food web for the whole year—from soft corals on the seafloor to the arctic foxes on the ice. The Arctic refers to the area around the … Arctic Cod are critical players in the Arctic food web. Antarctica and Greenland lose around 350 billion tons of ice each year from such melting.A dive tender monitors the line connected to ice divers studying creatures living on the under-side of the sea ice.A polar bear and its cub in Arctic National Wildlife Refuge, Alaska. Smaller populations live off the eastern coast of Greenland as well. The nutrients cultivate blooms of phytoplankton and ice-algae, which feed a super-abundant supply of Unlike the Arctic, there are no indigenous communities based in Antarctica.

When sleeping and resting, More than 11,000 kilometers (6835 miles) separate the Arctic from the Southern Ocean. Understanding the function of the tusk is an Diving is one of the narwhal’s special talents. Its formation begins in very cold water surrounded by thicker sea ice or land with a slushy mix of water and ice crystals on the sea surface, called frazil ice.

Though both are snow filled areas, there is a difference between Arctic and Antarctic. The Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets are the only ice sheets currently on Earth, and they contain 75 percent of the freshwater in the world.