Although having 16 official languages is a world record, there are still other languages spoken within the country that has not been given the same recognition. Login The Semitic languages are a branch of the Afroasiatic language family originating from the Middle East. The seemingly easy question of how many l anguages are spoken in Zambia is actually.

In total, Zambians speak over 72 indigenous languages. Zambia - Zambia - People: Most Zambians speak Bantu languages of the Niger-Congo language family and are descended from farming and metal-using peoples who settled in the region over the past 2,000 years. The Shona language is spoken by over 10 million people in Zimbabwe, most of them having it as their mother tongue.

Western Province is dominated by the In North-Western Province, adjoining the Angolan and Congolese borders, there is no single dominant group; the peoples there include the southern Luapula Province extends along the river of that name from Lake Bangweulu to The non-Bantu population tends to be located in the towns and the commercial farming community and is concentrated in areas that coincide with the Line of Rail. In fact, about 90 percent of Zambians belong to these groups.

Search Britannica It is written in the Ge’ez or Ethiopic script, with over 30 different characters. English is the official language and the major language of business and education. The area has been inhabited since prehistoric times by a number of indigenous tribes.

There are seven official vernacular languages: Bemba, Nyanja, Lozi, Tonga, Luvale, Lunda, and Kaonde, the latter three being languages of North-Western Province.

During its time as a British colony, English became the official language of the country, used in government, business, and education.English continues to be the official language of Zambia today. As of the 2010 Zambian census, Zambia's population was 13,092,666. English is the official language of government and is used for education, commerce, and law. However, Bemba is now getting an upper-hand!And the following are Zambian languages spoken in different provinces...Create your own unique website with customizable templates.

This language is a part of the Bantu family which also contains other languages that are used in the nation. One wouldn’t be faulted to think that because of this.

While English is Zambia's official language, many … Some linguists, however, believe this number to be smaller, as they consider some of these to be dialects rather than distinct languages.Some of these indigenous language include: Soli, Kwandi, Chikunda, Tumbuka, and Mbunda. Among the whites of Namibia, 60% speak the Afrikaans languages. Zambia is widely claimed to have over 72 languages and dialects. Zambia is located in the central region of southern Africa and has a population size of slightly more than 16.21 million. The same language is also known as Ichi Chewa in Eastern province.are spoken in almost all provinces, but they are specifically prominent in certain areas….

It is primarily concentrated in the northeastern areas and is most commonly be heard in the following regions of Zambia: Muchinga, Luapula, the Copperbelt, and the Northern Province.

There are seven official Outside Zambia many Tumbuka-speakers live in Malawi and Tanzania, bringing the total number to about two million. In fact, about 90 percent of Zambians belong to these groups.There are also other indigenous language groups such as Lamba, Ila, Mambwe, Namwanga, Tumbuka, Aushi, Lenje, Lala and so many others!Just imagine, over 70 different languages have been identified in Zambia!

Some of these languages have a long history within Zambia, while others, such as  arose as a result of 18th and 19th-century migrations. Features