After Tormund kills the Lord of Bones for challenging him, he and Jon go inside a hut to speak with the leaders of the clans. Jon and Sansa attend a swift consultation with Ramsay.Jon holds a meeting with Tormund and Davos, in which he discusses their battle plan to let the Boltons attack the middle of their formation in order to encircle their army. He is best known as the longest-running presenter of Channel 4 News, which he has presented since 1989. Mance warns Jon that all of the missing corpses from the Fist are no longer his friends and brothers from the Night's Watch, but have been resurrected as undead monsters who serve the White Walkers. Getting to the point of his trip, Jon likens the fighting between the Great Houses to children squabbling over a game. In fact, this is my first reluctant post. To his own surprise, Bran easily finds the wedding, where he sees a clearly happy Lyanna wedding Rhaegar in a Faith of the Seven ceremony before a Heart tree. Jon was formally educated by Maester Luwin and was trained in combat by Ser Rodrik Cassel, excelling at swordsmanship. Melisandre also looks at Jon's body and claims that she had seen a vision of him fighting at Winterfell, though Davos remains adamant that Jon is gone for good. Tyrion encourages Jon not to give up.
However, as they are preparing to leave, they are all attacked by an army of wights. Catelyn was relieved because when Jon joined the Watch he forsook any right to inheritance, and could never challenge her own sons for Winterfell. Their argument is broken up by the arrival of a wearied and addled Melisandre - who abandoned Stannis when it became apparent he would lose the That night while reading messages, Olly comes to Jon and tells him one of the wildlings knows of the whereabouts of his uncle Benjen, who has been missing since before the Great Ranging. However, they only find corpses of horses and no human remains. To protect his land and family, in just a few years he has risen up from being a bastard to becoming the King in the North, a prominent figure among the Free Folks. Jon is aware that by advising Stannis, he is walking on very thin ice: the Watch must not get involved in the political conflicts south of the Wall; on the other hand, the Watch owes Stannis a great debt: without him, the wildlings would have eventually overcome the defenders of Castle Black. Because Jon had no real interaction with Catelyn and revered his father Eddard, he was not exposed to the Seven but proudly keeps to the Old Gods, and honors the traditions of his First Men ancestors. Sansa apologizes for not telling him about the Vale army and when Jon asks her about Littlefinger, Sansa says he is not trustworthy. She and Jon begin to kiss, preparing to have sex but Jon stops himself. When Sansa reminds him that the late Joffrey did not tolerate dissent, Jon asks Sansa if she thinks he's like Joffrey.

In the nearby Stopping to rest and tend to his injury, Jon is confronted by a furious Ygritte, who has an arrow ready to shoot him. Jon tells Daenerys he will refuse and on his knee, declares Daenerys will always be his queen. Jon responds that Daenerys is not like everyone else. After luring Jon's army forwards, Ramsay executes his own pincer movement with his infantry, completely encircling the Stark/Wildling army. But as they leave, the Jon and the others make it back to the north side of Castle Black on foot, and he makes himself seen by Thorne so that they will be let inside. Mance then notices that Jon is eyeing a cooking knife, and quickly deduces that Jon came to Jon gives Ygritte a northern burial beyond the Wall, at the request of Tormund.Jon introduces himself to Stannis as Ned Stark's son, and suggests that Stannis arrest Mance instead of executing him, reasoning that Mance had the chance to kill him, but chose not to. Littlefinger informs Jon of his love for Sansa, which causes him to lose his temper and start to strangle him. After a moment of hesitation, Jon executes the cowardly former Commander of the Jon continues to train new recruits, with Stannis, Later on, Jon consults Aemon for advice on a hard decision he is about to make, noting that half the men in the Night's Watch despise him for his sympathy for the wildlings, but Aemon tells him to "Kill the boy, and let the man be born," in other words, just make the hard choice and do what he believes is best. Daenerys reminds him that she has three dragons and Dothraki who have pledged themselves to her. Tyrion leaves for the Red Keep alone, and rejects Jon's suggestions to take some of his soldiers as guards. Jon's idea is met with harsh criticism, even from his closest friends such as Edd and Olly, but Jon's goal is actually to keep the wildlings from falling into the hands of the coming White Walker army. Jon says that there were three hundred men of the Night's Watch at the Fist, and asks Mance if Mormont could still be alive.
He later attended Yorkshire Coast College in Scarborough and briefly studied law at the University of Liverpool.Currently, Jon Snow is 72 years old. When Sansa mentions With help from Tormund, Jon speaks with the wildlings and asks for their help in the coming battle against Ramsay.