Share on Facebook Tweet. Fishing Tips Muskie Tips for Beginners Muskie Tips for Beginners with Mark Ruml. Known as the fish of 10,000 casts, musky is one of the toughest fish in the world to catch. For musky fishing, you’ll want to choose a 7-to-8-foot heavy-duty pole and at least a 20-pound line.Musky are tough skinned with large mouths and very sharp teeth. While this makes them popular among experienced anglers looking for a challenge, it also makes them a tough catch for beginners.If you’re dreaming of catching a big, beautiful musky of your own, you need to start by learning a few essential tips.
12 tips on what you need to have on landing the elusive tiger Muskie. Floating and diving crankbaits measuring 8 to 10 inches are common, with some anglers using lures up to 12 inches long. Cottage Tips may receive a commission for purchases made through these links.A special fish cradle is used by muskie hunters who catch and release the giants on a regular basis.Hook removers or needle-nose pliers should be used to take out the hooks. Tags Muskies. Back to Uploads. SportTrak Tip How to Use minn kota talon shallow water anchors 5 Smart Tips for Safe Boating Ultra Violet (UV) Fishing … Lure Selection. Jul 9, 2015 - Explore Greg Elliott's board "Muskie fishing", followed by 208 people on Pinterest. Trying to extract a sharp hook that has sunk into a musky’s mouth can be tough.That’s why its best for beginners to use barbless hooks when musky fishing.Experienced fishermen spend hours or even days waiting for their next catch. Muskie Fishing Tips This page will give you all the information you need to become a better muskie fisherman. Musky are often the largest fish in the body of water they’re living in, which means they are used to eating other fish and large prey, rather than worms.If you’re new to fishing, musky can be a tough first catch to go after. See more ideas about Musky fishing, Fish, Fishing lures. Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links to products. More Fishing Tips. 19. Catching a muskie requires using the right gear, finding the top locations, and learning the best techniques. Share on Facebook Tweet. Then let the lure float up or sink down for a few seconds. Tweet on Twitter. Unlike Salmon or other migrating fish breeds, musky often stays in one area or return to the same areas season after season.This makes it easier to find the perfect fishing spot in any area. Muskie Fishing Tips For Beginners. 367 views | 202. As the lure approaches the boat or dock, lift your rod and jerk the lure towards the surface for the last few feet. Simply ask around at local tackle shops or do your research online to figure out where other anglers are having luck in the area.The large size of musky requires a large bait. Mark Ruml offers some tips for new muskie anglers. Share on Facebook.