He released the fish. Search Search. Monster muskie found floating would have broken state record GET BREAKING NEWS IN YOUR BROWSER. His goal is always to get us. “Then she lifted her foot out of the water, and I could see it was filleted open in many places.”Closer examination revealed she had been cut in 25 places, mostly on her upper ankle and on top of her foot, Kesselhon said.“There were nine deep lacerations that required stitches,” Kesselhon said.Nobody knows for sure what attacked Maren while she was hanging on the paddleboard near the Minnesota Power boat launch on the east side of Island Lake. She knows this was a freak incident and that she’ll never experience this again.”The Kesselhon family had been trying to beat the heat on Wednesday at Island Lake. But yes… the Tiger Muskie, in fact all Muskellunge, have been known to occasionally (but very rarely) attack people, and the results are something like this: BUT… this is a very rare thing. On Wednesday, a Duluth fly-fisherman caught and released a muskie that was 47 inches long.In August 2012, an otter attacked an Anoka, Minn., woman who was swimming in Island Lake while training for a triathlon, according to a story in the Minneapolis Star Tribune.

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Unauthorized distribution, transmission or republication strictly prohibited.This website uses cookies to personalize your content (including ads), and allows us to analyze our traffic. Muskie attack was 'terrifying' Kim Driver and her husband Terry have been visiting their trailer at Northstar Village near Minaki for more than a decade. Kim said she is emotionally scarred from the attack.“I can’t sleep at night,” she said. Sorry, your blog cannot share posts by email. We reserve the right to remove any comment we deem to be defamatory, rude, insulting to others, hateful, off-topic or reckless to the community.

“My dad messed with this same fish. Rodeo-goer tests positive for coronavirus; AG Ellison files enforcement action But Maren has her hunches.“My daughter, right away, when I pulled her out of the water, she thought it was a fish,” Kesselhon said. MN researchers fit trumpeter swans with transmitters to track migration habits A Winnipeg woman is recovering after being attacked by a Muskie while swimming with her family at a fishing resort.The attack happened on July 25 at the North Star Village, in Minaki, north of Kenora.Kim and Terry Driver, seasonal regulars and experienced anglers, went for a swim to cool off.Kim Driver says she was standing in water up to her chest when she felt a sharp pain in her leg, and when she looked down she saw what looked like an alligator head.A muskellunge, or Muskie, more than one metre long, had grabbed hold of her calf.She says when she was hauled out of the water, blood was pouring out the back of her leg.“Once it bit me it started flailing me through the water and then took me under,” she said.“I started kicking, and I guess obviously punching it, because I have cuts on my hands, and then it let go and I came back up screaming that I needed help — something had bit me.”Terry Driver said rescuers threw a towel over her head so she wouldn’t see the extent of the wound.“It looks just like an alligator attack,” Terry Driver said, adding the gash was nearly 18 centimetres wide.Kim Driver said she now requires plastic surgery to repair her calf — a process that will take more than six weeks.But the attack has left more than just physical scars on her leg. It released, but it left a torn-up foot.”Maren had to undergo surgery at Essentia Health to repair her tendon and to stitch up her wounds, Kesselhon said in a telephone interview Thursday. The woman suffered 25 bite marks, according to that report.Immediately after this week’s incident, Maren climbed back in the boat. Maren’s wounds were wrapped in gauze and bandages.Maren is currently using crutches to help her get around, her dad said.And there’s one unusual twist to this ordeal. A muskie 55 inches long was caught by an angler on Island Lake last year. For all of his kids’ lives, Ryan Kesselhon has told them a tall tale about a fish he calls “One-Eyed Jake.”“He’s harassed our family starting with my grandfather,” Ryan Kesselhon said. We ask you to keep your comments relevant and respectful.

The attack occurred about 1:30 p.m. Wednesday. Now, this story is getting bigger, at least regarding One-Eyed Jake.”Maren doesn’t think One-Eyed Jake was after her, her dad said.As you comment, please be respectful of other commenters and other viewpoints.

The doctors felt very confident it was a fish by how razor-sharp all the cuts were. By continuing to use the site, you accept our Whenever we get out on a lake, I swear I see his face. Visit our © 2020 Toronto Sun, a division of Postmedia Network Inc. All rights reserved.

Watch this big muskie clamped on a pretty big northern in a Minnesota lake One minute, Maren had been peacefully dangling from her family’s paddleboard in Island Lake on Wednesday afternoon.