They arrived home drunk and he helped her upstairs to her bed and said goodnight, jokingly addressing her as "Mrs. Romero", which made her yell that she was keeping her name. However, when he arrived home and told Norma that Chick had arrived with the repaired window, she wasn't pleased. That evening, Romero caught her peering in a window at the Arcanum Club and told her he was there meeting council members. Following this, Romero saw a headline on a newspaper that stated that Norman was in police custody.

Romero told Norma that he was leaving the motel and they shared a hug, with Norma telling him she felt safer when he was around. As he returned home, he heard Norma playing the piano and when she asked him if he killed Bob Paris, he didn't say anything but the look on his face said it all. As she got ready for bed, she wrote a note apologizing to Romero and left her ring with it in an envelope. As Romero woke in bed and was looking for some water, Maggie brought him some food to eat and told him that he had shown up three days prior and that she tended to his wound. Romero and Norma married at City Hall and he later moved into the Bates house, requesting a key to make it look that they were actually married. He reciprocated it and carried her upstairs to bed. After Romero was shot in the supermarket parking lot, he was transported to the hospital.

He visited Bob’s house, but Bob wasn’t so forthcoming with information, though he asked if Annika had anything on her. Romero warned him that if he went down that road, he’d pretty much be on his own. When he found her in the basement and she told him of her plans to convert the basement into a fruit cellar, he gave her Bob Paris' bag of money and told her to use it on the house. She returned home and broke down in Norman's arms. You get into the gang by shooting people," says Gonzalez's attorney Alan Romero. Romero made Regina drive along an isolated stretch of road until they came to a stop. Romero shoved Dylan against his truck and asked again, but Dylan insisted that he didn't know. Romero found out that Annika was shot at least 20 minutes before she got to the motel, and that the car she was driving wasn’t registered to her but rather to the other girl who was recently murdered. He fell asleep on her bed and later woke up when he thought he heard Norman's voice. Carbonell's first acting role was a guest starring part as Alberto Cordova in an episode of For much of his early career, he played characters with thick Hispanic accents, and was so convincing that people thought it was how he actually sounded. He offered her money to admit Norman and when asked what relation he was to Norman, he told her that he was marrying Norma. Romero returned to the Bates house and retrieved Bob's bag from the furnace, finding the key with his savings book. Romero pushed her up against the wall and asked her again how her husband had died but she stuck to her story that she was the one who did it and told Romero not to touch her before leaving.

When the car sustained a flat tire, he disposed of the car down a cliff and after walking for miles arrived on a remote property. He is most often recognized for his integral role in the series "Lost" as Richard Alpert, as well as his turn as Mayor Anthony Garcia … She then told him to pack a bag and he asked where they were going. Romero and Dylan then saved Norman and returned him home. Following the sound of the voice, he tracked it down to the basement to discover Chick, who has set up his writing desk and is using a typewriter, with Norman's voice coming from a tape recorder.

Worried about Norma being alone with Norman, he decided to seek help from Dylan so that Norman could be returned to Pineview. Romero then allowed Dylan to drive away. He went into the house and called out to Norma, but got no answer. As Romero tried to talk sense into Norman, he made the mistake of asking if it was possible that Norma could love two men.