Soubin and his wife Jamia were blessed with a baby boy on May 10. Film News He made his acting debut in 2013 with a supporting role in Annayum Rasoolum.He made his directorial debut with the drama Parava (2017). Soubin Shahir wife name is Jamia Zaheer, a marketing professional based in Kochi and they got married on December 16, 2017. Please upgrade your browser. Meanwhile, Soubin Shahir is one of … A ctor Soubin Shahir is super excited after the birth of his son. Malayalam actor-filmmaker Soubin Shahir tied the knot with his fiancée Jamia Zaheer in a private ceremony on Saturday. Malayalam actor-filmmaker Soubin Shahir tied the knot with his fiancée Jamia Zaheer in a private ceremony on Saturday. They have named their baby as Orhan.The actor himself took to his social media and posted an adorable smiling picture of the newborn. New home .”The actor was last seen in 'Kumbalangi Nights' and received wide applauds for his character no longer supports Internet Explorer 9 or earlier. Currently, he is shooting for Santhosh Sivan's 'Jack and Jill' and John Paul George's 'Ambili' no longer supports Internet Explorer 9 or earlier. The actor took to his social media handle and shared the photograph with a caption, "To all the new beginnings we have had together, this one’s been the most special one. He made his acting debut in 2013 with a supporting role in Annayum Rasoolum. He worked as an assistant director in the film. The film, which starred mostly newcomers in the lead roles, also had The film also created a record by becoming one of five films in 2017 that saw the highest-grossing opening day in Kerala.The director entered the film industry in 2003 as an assistant director Siddique with He made his acting debut with Fazil’s Kaiyethum Doorath and become among the top comedians of the Malayalam film industry. B4blaze was founded in 2012 as an entertainment website focusing on tracking viral content. Please upgrade your browser. Soubin and Jamia had been seeing each other for a long time before they decided to take their relationship to next level.The couple were keeping their relationship under the wraps until it was outed by an entertainment portal. Jamia is said to be a marketing professional, who is based in Kochi.Soubin is currently basking in the success of his directorial debut Parava. actor. 299.6k Likes, 3,287 Comments - Soubin Shahir (@soubinshahir) on Instagram: “To all the new beginnings we have had together, this one’s been the most special one. Find exactly what you're looking for! Now, B4blaze is having a wide range of Cross-platform networks in different languages including Malayalam, Tamil, Kannada, and English. He made his acting debut in 2013 with a supporting role in Annayum Rasoolum. Soubin Shahir gets married. Soubin and Jamia had been seeing each other for a long time before they decided to take their relationship to next level. After working in the directorial department for more than a decade, he stepped into shoes of an actor. M ollywood actor Soubin Shahir and wife Jamia were blessed with a baby boy. This led to his popularity as an actor in the industry.