Arthur says yes; Sylar detects the lie with Sue Landers' power and proceeds to drive the bullet into Arthur's head, killing him. She saved his life after he attempts suicide and befriended him, while also monitering his behaviour and ability. When confronted about this by Luke, Sylar states that Luke was simply conveniently nearby and that his goal was to get the laptop to understand how Nathan's agents worked, though Luke seems skeptical about that reasoning.

This was seen with Sylar's dominant trait was his innate desire to be recognized as special and admired. Sylaire.

Instead of a confrontation, however, Sylar chooses to leave, but not before stringing up an unconscious Eric Doyle in This 'gift' is explained further when Sylar surprises Danko in his car: He wishes to work with Danko in rounding up all superpowered humans, and quickly leaves before Danko can pull out his gun. In a rage exacerbated by Luke's revelation that Sylar's father was indeed a bad individual, Sylar pins him to the diner wall, but drops him and tells Luke to go home. Although they press her for information, Angela threatens to simply leave if they do not sit down and eat.

By the end of volume 1 he had ammased a large arsenal of powers, but during volume 2 he became infected with a virus that removes the abilities of superhumans. Temporarily incapacitating Sylar, he is stunned when Sylar first resists and then retaliates, strangling Samson with his own oxygen tube. Later, when Danko returns home to his apartment after discovering Nathan's ability, he finds the stuffed rabbit on his desk, unaware that Sylar is lurking in the shadows nearby. To prove this memory true, he rips open the post telekinetically and finds the car.

Sylar is also known for his voracious appetite and he can constantly be seen snacking or looking for food. In "Of all the powers Sylar has acquired, the most prominently used is During his first killing spree, Sylar acquires or displays the following abilities: Elle enters the building and starts shooting at Sylar, but by then he has seen that the cure works, and he steals it and escapes. She rages at him and continues to attack, finally collapsing and begging him to kill her so that her pain will go away. He showed a rapidly changing personality, killing people without emotion but then showing great deals of remorse. This irritates Sylar to the point where he threatens to simply take Luke's emission ability. He was once a casual watchmaker until he was visited by Chandra Suresh who identified him as Patient Zero, and revealed advanced humans to him. Otherwise, you should close this page and view another page. Sylar became jealous with Elle commenting on Trevor as 'special' and he began to attack him. This was helped by Sylar's new power of Shapeshifting allowing him to turn physically into Nathan.

Peter and Sylar witness Claire climbing the Ferris Wheel to reveal her powers to the world and Sylar comments that it's now a "brave new world." At the loft, Molly reveals to Maya that Alejandro is dead, who then goes to confront Sylar. As Sylar continues to shapeshift, he finds it is harder and harder to regain his form without side effects, including left over body parts like teeth. Sylar is the overall main antagonist of the TV show Heroes. He then killed Trevor and took his power. After Dr Suresh's visit, he tracked down Brian Davis, who had the power of Telekinesis. Luke distracts the agents enough for Sylar to telekinetically toss a few around and punch a hole through a window. Despite his power, he was manipulated by both Angela and Arthur Petrelli who, despite opposing each other in the series, pretended to be his biological mother and father, playing on his need for love. Ficlet In an effort to shut down the program, Angela convinces Matt Parkman to use his telepathy to convince Sylar that he is Nathan, Matt using Angela's memories of Nathan's life to essentially 'plant' Nathan in Sylar's head, his shape-shifting power allowing him to assume Nathan's form while his clairsentience will allow him to subconsciously use objects around him to 'fill in the blanks'.