It is important to note that Robert's Rebellion was not just based on Lyanna being taken away (or eloped) by Rhaegar. I have become oddly fond of my fat little wife. Roose fears a 'boy lord' only because any boy of Walda's would have precedence over Ramsay - according to the law. The best answers are voted up and rise to the top To hide the shame and to make the Dayne's keep quiet Ned bribed them with Dawn. Pretty much the same story he told about Jon anyway. A legitimized Brandon bastard is not going to become as big a threat as a legitimized Jon Snow. I disagree with Rufus here - Brandon's bastard, if legitimised, would come BEFORE Ned's children. To hide the shame of "my bro and your betrothed was a rapist" from Cate he claimed Jon as his own. The false assumption of Brandon dying and Robert winning his Rebellion all in practically the same moment is what throws the maths off. And what would Catelyn think of it? As to why did Ned keep mum about Brandon being Jon's daddy? Then again we have the Twins crawling with Rivers' ... House Frey, voted "Most Bastard Friendly House" for 57 years in a row ... Treat it like she does Jon? And what would Catelyn think of it? OK - maybe Brandon was not into rape. Trueborns still come before legitimized bastards, so Brandon's legit bastard would come between Ned's trueborns and Ned's legit bastard. It's not so much that the law is vague, it is more down to enforcement of it being open for debate - often at sword point. Depends what he thought most honourable, really.... Sorry, we no longer support Internet Explorer We can't really make definitive statements about them I don't think.

Treat it like she does Jon? The two before her never made a sound in bed, but this one squeals and shudders. Just like the question of whether the male line always comes first. What if Brandon Stark (Ned's Brother) had a bastard? Leave it with its mother? Ned would not bring one of Brandon's bastards to live at Winterfell. My brothers died, and I never killed them. Trueborns still come before legitimized bastards, so Brandon's legit bastard would come between Ned's trueborns and Ned's legit bastard. Once he had heard Skinner say that the Bastard had killed his trueborn brother, but he had never dared to believe it.
Ned held the Lordship, Brandon never did. You're certainly right about enforcement, etc. Brothers die sometimes, it does not mean that they were killed. Leave it with its mother? Roose fears a 'boy lord' only because any boy of Walda's would have precedence over Ramsay - according to the law. Ned put his foot down over Jon staying with him, but would he do the same for Brandon's, or would he have him fostered out and covered up to spare Cat's feelings? Could have just claimed that Jon was Brandon's bastard by a consensual relationship with a commoner. This topic is now archived and is closed to further replies. Brandon was the elder brother to Ned Stark and son of Rickard Stark, the Warden in the North. To hide the shame of "my bro and your betrothed was a rapist" from Cate he claimed Jon as his own. "Brandon Stark, Ned Stark's older brother and heir to Winterfell, has been betrothed to Catelyn Tully in an effort to unify the houses Stark and Tully. Robert became king in Thanks for contributing an answer to Science Fiction & Fantasy Stack Exchange! I also don't believe Ramsay's example is that relevant. He had an older brother, Brandon Stark, and a younger brother, Benjen Stark, as well as a younger sister, Lyanna Stark. If Brandon had raped Ashara Dayne he'd be in a world of hurt because Arthur Dayne, one of the baddest of badasses would have reduced him to primal cuts well before Aerys had him killed.

Leave it with its mother? 2 - Brandon's Jon versus Robb - they are cousins.

How can Ned and Brandon both be of same age?You can see the calculation of Ned Stark's birth at Eddard Stark was born one year after the birth of his brother, Brandon, who was born in 262 AC.Brandon died in 282 AC, aged twenty. It's not so much that the law is vague, it is more down to enforcement of it being open for debate - often at sword point. As noted, the question "does a legitimised Bastard of an elder brother come before Trueborn children of younger brother?" We can't really make definitive statements about them I don't think. If she pops out sons the way she pops in tarts, the Dreadfort will soon be overrun with Boltons. IMO "Should've taken the black is right". I find that quite endearing. So I was wondering what would happen if Brandon Stark had a known bastard. As to why did Ned keep mum about Brandon being Jon's daddy? Ned held the Lordship, Brandon never did.