First try turning on the heater to see if the temp gage needle remains stable. A stuck-halfway valve will increase the time that it takes for your engine to warm up and will cause temperatures to slowly creep up under load. What things could cause the temperature gauge to stay on low? After driving, and I stop, it also slowly drops while idling for about 5 - 10 min. You can't post conmments that contain an email address. It’s recommended to check this component first.If you have more questions about this topic, you are welcome to leave a comment below, and I will try to answer your questions as fast as possible. Luckily for me, although the oil in the engine has not yet mixed with water, but it is blackish in colour. If your temperature gauge is reading high, it means your car is overheating. Car temperature gauge drops while driving ; Car temperature gauge drops while driving If it does not you should replace the thermostat located under a rounded flange by removing two bolts, lifting out the thermo and inserting the new one in same orientation as the original. It comes automatically after some hours during driving. Page 1 of 2: 1: 2 > Thread Tools: Search this Thread: Rating: Display Modes: 01-18-2009, 09:27 … The temperature should never come down to below normal until engine is shut off... So i was driving back up to my college, its 50 miles total at about 40 miles i turned my heat off because i had it on whole way and it was hot as sh**, and i noticed my temp gauge go up a little over middle, not 3/4 of way but close, then it went back down.. not sure if it went back down because i turned heat back on or not. The water pump's pressure-side has a small outlet that sends water through the heater core; when you turn the heat on, a valve in the heater core's water inlet line opens and sends coolant through the core. When you unbolt the housing, you'll find the saucer-shaped thermostat sandwiched between it and the block. The temperature gauge goes to hot even though there is water in the bottle You may be able to free it by pushing the center back and forth till there is no longer any resitance, but it needs to be replaced. On older cars, you usually found a However, on more modern cars the engine control unit needs the coolant temperature as information to calculate the right fuel-mixture at all different temperatures. A thermostat valve closes off the upper radiator hose when the engine's cold, forcing coolant to recirculate through the block until it warms up.The heater core is a kind of miniature radiator that sits in your car's climate control duct. Enough said about the different wires and functions; let’s go to the most common causes of an engine coolant temperature guide which stays on low.There are several causes why your engine temperature gauge stays on cold.

... tempneedle gets up towards the red mark while you're driving, then yes, ... i have a 2006Pontiac Grand prix and my temp. You can't post conmments that contain an email address. This can also often be indicated with a fluctuating coolant temperature gauge.

Re: Temperature gauge goes up and down while driving If your temperature gauge goes to cold as your engine is taking you down the highway, the thermostat is not doing its job. If the valve sticks in the closed position, coolant will constantly recycle through the engine without going to the radiator, causing the engine to overheat. Another reason the temperature gauge could read cold is if the thermostat in the vehicle stays open. They’ve also “burped” it numerous times. What steps should i take after the gasket fix? Moreover, once temperature needle goes down to zero during driving, Airconditioning COOLING system also stops working during that period. Engine temperature goes down while Driving! The temperature gauge then held steady. Car is a Mk1 Golf. Also, it is a good idea to back flush the cooling system periodically. A stuck-open thermostat will constantly send coolant through the radiator, regardless of its temperature, causing coolant temperatures to drop and the heater to malfunction while traveling down the road. 1999 Chevrolet K1500?

Clean and spray electronic cleaner in the connector at the sensor, at the engine control unit connector and the connector for the cluster. If you start going too fast for that gear shift into the next higher one to maintain the 2-3000 RPM range. If the gauge just rises and falls by pattern the sensor and wiring is probably fine.Tell us some more!