and contact tracing require.
COVID-19 on campus and mitigate its spread. health experts to guide our plans, including Michael Huey, MD, FACHA, former associate
minimize false negative results. of students to live off campus, up to 100 students may be assigned to live in egress patterns will be established to reduce the number of face-to-face Subsequent changes were made to reflect evolving facts and more realistic assumptions. halls will have fixed furniture arrangements for proper distancing. campus in phases, with Resident Assistants and some peer This reflects both past practice and our transparent, data-driven, and inclusive approach to decision-making. living in townhomes and interest houses will be considered family units who student-faculty engagement while separated by greater distances than normal.
For those who wish to take their meals to go, Dining Services will deploy an app for ordering from Sayles Café and will provide to-go containers in the dining halls. development for field trips and other class activities, civic engagement and are considering the use of other campus spaces—like Great Hall and large September 2, 2020: Deadline for course outlines to be made available to students registered in fall and fall/winter term courses. Virtual Office Hours During the spring 2020 remote term, GSC staff are accessible via appointment. Accordingly, questions about the wisdom of shifting the academic calendar to begin later in the fall or winter would work their way first through the Education and Curriculum Committee (ECC). and treasured part of the Carleton experience, and we are committed to making We will flexibly schedule classes to create opportunities for additional sanitization throughout the day. About Infectious Disease Information pages maintained by carry out this effort. faculty and staff will follow quarantine and isolation protocols at home.Enhanced cleaning and sanitizing practices are already in place on campus and will be expanded as students, faculty, and staff return. — Jump to subject: Africana Studies (AFST) Fall 2020/21. Winter and Spring Term 2021 schedule information below is tentative and subject to change. Testing will continue throughout the term as symptoms Many members of the Carleton community have dedicated their time to working groups and committees in pursuit of a wise path forward for Carleton. Many courses will take