Some catfish are bottom dwelling scavengers and dont really need to jump when they can hide. This behavior is particularly common in small tropical species like swordtails and guppies but it is certainly not limited to these species. as soon as I got out of bed this morning my cory jumped out of my tank. My know-how will help you find the right fish species for your aquarium and the best products in each category. If they are lucky, they will land in another puddle and can eventually make their way toward a larger body of water. Their tail and ventral fins, that allows them to swim upwards and downwards in water, are also almost invisible.The ghost catfish appearance is not only pleasing and fascinating, but also a protection for the fish against predators. In studying the jumping behavior of guppies, it was clear to Soares and Bierman that the fish did not jump to escape predators – neither were they jumping out of the tank to acquire food. I just found my pleco behind my tank. This morning I was feeding my fish and couldn't find my plec. If things go wrong, these fish possess a breathing organ called a labyrinth which enables them to breathe out of the water for short periods of time.There is not much you can do to stop your fish from jumping if it is part of their natural behavior. Algae is important and can be healthy for your aquarium, however, too much algae are every aquarist’ worst nightmare.Ghost catfish are interesting and unique for every aquarium. Thank you so … What the researchers found was surprising yet incredibly telling – the fish backed up prior to the jump to gain speed for their launch. However, did you know algae plays an important role in an aquarium? Ghost catfish are active swimmers; therefore, they will need a big aquarium to allow them swim freely.They also enjoy living in groups and swimming together. However, they are active swimmers that love swimming in a group of at least four fish. However, I am planning on giving up my plec because he's just going to be too big.Plecos do get large and very messy. Fish Tank. These fish can be found in swamps, rice paddies and even roadside ditches. The fear factor could be one of the reasons why your Neon Tetra is jumping out of the tank. Oh yes! Several things might prompt a fish to exhibit this type of behavior. You can, however, limit the negative repercussions of this behavior. However, female ghost catfish are a little larger and have a slightly bigger stomach to store eggs. Unfortunately, in the home environment, there is not always another body of water for the fish to jump into.This type of jumping behavior may not serve a purpose in the home aquarium environment, but it does in the wild. If your ghost catfish are infested with lice, they will become restless, and continually rub against any available surface or object in the aquarium. Last night at 4 am I come downstairs and find my pleco on the tile floor next to the tank. This can be caused by either escaping a perceived threat or jumping up for food. To dream that you are living in a fish tank indicates that you are detached from society. An abrupt change in water temperature, chemical changes or PH level can cause stress.Stress reduces the immune system of fish, making them susceptible to contract any type of fungal bacteria or parasitic disease.To ensure your catfish is healthy, conduct regular water changes, ensure the water parameters are always at optimum level, avoid over-feeding your fish and quarantine new fish and aquarium ornaments before introducing them to the common fish tank.Ghost catfish do not have a different kind of diseases that can affect them, only what is normal in a general fish tank. If my bubbles wouldn't have stopped flowing I probably would still be looking for him. To ensure your ghost catfish is safe in the tank, consider having a lid for the aquarium. This suggests that not only is jumping out of the tank done on purpose, but it may actually serve a function. When you take a fish from its natural habitat and introduce it to a tank environment, it will freak out. Hey guys I wanted to share a few more things about the jumping cory. The reason for it getting startled is just obvious. Aggressive and big fish such as tiger barbs, sharks, some types of The ghost catfish may also end up hurt while struggling for food, or starve to death in an attempt to avoid confrontation.Glass catfish are selective with what they eat and also not very good feeders. In cases like this, betta fish have been known to hurl themselves out of their environment into another body of water. It is not uncommon for an inexperienced aquarium hobbyist to come home one day to find one or more of their fish have jumped out of the tank and dried up on the floor. you read and agreed to the is one of the internet's oldest and premier Tropical Fish and Aquarium forums! This will protect your fish from jumping out of the tank which can cause injury or death. Betta fish, also known as Siamese fighting fish, are native to Thailand (formerly Siam) where they live in still waters.