He knows it’s a demand that he recant and radically recast his soul in order to win the favour of someone who casts themselves as a redeemer. Gai Brodtmann and Chris Uhlmann have always been one of Canberra's most intriguing couples. March 15, 2020 So Hastie and Paterson signed up for a bit of Beijing-based exposure therapy.Anyone but an intractable commissar would probably have spotted this as an excellent opportunity to get two pests to tone it down. That would be after the party abandoned its catastrophic reorganisation of society underIt is one thing for Beijing to spout propaganda; it is entirely another to rebroadcast it here and label everyone who doesn’t toe the party line recalcitrant or hysterical.This is no trivial matter. From the outset of the short text, Jesus is on the road to the Cross. They don’t get it. Or, rather, they wilfully refuse to get it because this is not the glorious mission they imagined they had joined.Canadian theologian Bernard Lonergan coined a term for it: "scotosis" – an inability to learn through painful insights.Everyone can be guilty of it; when pet theories or hopes collide with harsh reality, change can be almost physically painful. June 19, 2019 — 12.00am. Chris Uhlmann Nine News Political Editor. One of the defining features of Mark’s Gospel is how thick the Apostles are. Both were denied visas and the Chinese embassy issued a withering statement saying the men’s observations were unwelcome, unwarranted and disrespectful. June 19, 2019 — 12.00am. Alas, in this case, it would mean signing up to a series of lies about the present and past.Many here do. Or, rather, they wilfully refuse to get it because this is not the glorious mission they imagined they had joined. Credit: ABC "He has no desire and no capacity to lead the world. We are bartering for our soul: the right to continue as an imperfect sovereign democracy or to enter the land of the great forgetting and silence that the party demands.It would be so easy to repent and go quietly. ""Repent" is an interesting word to aim at a Christian like Hastie. He bluntly tells his disciples that he is going to die and, if they choose to follow him, they will too. August 26, 2019 — 12.00am. But there was a ray of hope. Chris Uhlmann Nine News Political Editor. Journalist Chris Uhlmann's scathing assessment of Donald Trump's presidency has been viewed more than 1.7 million times. Business people, academics and former politicians can be heard parroting party propaganda about China’s 5000 unbroken years of history. Then stuff The beauty of democracy is you still get to believe whatever rubbish takes your fancy as long as you cause no great harm.There are alternatives.

Suspect that blood-drinking, flesh-eating, shape-shifting extraterrestrial reptilian humanoids walk among us with the sole aim of enslaving the human race? There are whole networks dedicated to cultivating your ignorance. That blithely ignores the Cultural Revolution, when the party sought to erase history by expunging the Four Olds: Old Customs, Old Culture, Old Habits, and Old Ideas.Then there is the whole "we lifted 700 million people out of poverty" canard. Normal text size Larger text size Very large text size. But no. There, the Chinese Communist Party is keen to police people’s thoughts. The original ending was desolate but shone a light on human frailty. There the uncomfortable truth of the Tiananmen Square massacre has been airbrushed from post-'89 mainland minds. But that would shout our consent to a party that will, inevitably, use all the tools of modern technology to forge and spread a nasty totalitarian surveillance state.Near the end of Mark’s Gospel there is a passage where the book once abruptly finished before, centuries later, a dissatisfied monk decided to add a couple of sunnier verses.