The acquisition gives Total access to reserves and resources in excess of 500 million boe and a significant exploration potential across the 53 000 km 2 area covered by the concessions. So for us, inclusion is about ensuring our differences are understood, respected and embraced. The Lower 48 represents the largest segment in ConocoPhillips today based on production. ConocoPhillips operates the Waha fields with a 16.33% share in the project. On 29 December 2005, ConocoPhillips and co-venturers reached an agreement with NOC to return to its oil and natural gas exploration and production operations in Libya and extend the 13-million-acre (53,000 km 2) Waha concessions another 25 years. ConocoPhillips Qatar formed a team to understand and define what inclusion means for us in our cultural setting in the Middle East. Total in Libya. In 1968, Shell joined the consortium, purchasing shares from Amerada Hess. In October 2013, Libya's oil minister Abdelbari Arusi revealed that the NOC was considering buying Marathon's stake in Waha.
Production operations in Libya and related oil exports have periodically been interrupted over the last several years due to forced shutdowns of the Es Sider terminal. According to NOC, Total has committed to invest 650 million USD to the development of the Waha concessions and to ramp up production through two main projects, North Gialo and NC 98. ConocoPhillips operates the Waha fields with a 16.33% share in the project. Norway/Libya.
NOC has the largest share of the Waha concession, and additional partners include Marathon Oil (16.33%) and Amerada Hess. ConocoPhillips has a significant production and exploration position in the Norwegian sector of the North Sea. ConocoPhillips is Alaska’s largest crude oil producer and the largest owner of exploration leases, with approximately 1.3 million net undeveloped acres at year-end 2019.In 2019, ConocoPhillips received provincial government approval for a nonoperated 50 percent participating interest in the El Turbio Este exploration block in the Santa Cruz province of Argentina covering approximately 0.8 million gross acres.ConocoPhillips’ established operations in Australia two decades ago, and operates the Bayu-Undan Field, the Darwin Liquified Natural Gas plant, and the Australia Pacific LNG plant in Queensland. The company has high-quality positions in the North American unconventionals, which are low cost of supply assets with significant upside potential.ConocoPhillips' involvement in Malaysia began in 2000 and consists of interests in six blocks in varying stages of exploration, development and production. The company also has an interest in a concession in Libya.Operated assets in Europe include the Greater Ekofisk Area in Norway. In 2019, the company sold its exploration and production assets in the United Kingdom. The Waha concessions currently produce about 350,000 barrels of oil equivalent per day (boe/d). Total has been present in Libya since 1954. Libya: Agreement Between NOC and Total Endorsing the Group’s Entry into the Waha Concessions
The company’s Canadian operations are comprised primarily of oil sands assets in the Athabasca region of northeastern Alberta and unconventional development in western Canada.ConocoPhillips is concentrating on international exploration opportunities that provide both scale and flexibility, with international new venture activity ongoing in Chile and Colombia.The company produces from fields in Bohai Bay and the South China Sea in China.ConocoPhillips is concentrating on international exploration opportunities that provide both scale and flexibility, with international new venture activity ongoing in Chile and Colombia.ConocoPhillips, headquartered in Houston, Texas, is one of the world’s largest independent exploration and production (E&P) companies.ConocoPhillips has had a presence in Indonesia for more than 45 years. (Image source: Rawpixel Ltd/Flickr) ConocoPhillips Announces Agreement to Acquire Liquids-Rich Montney Acreage from Kelt Exploration Ltd. July 22, 2020.
In Libya, the company has an interest in the Waha Concession in the Sirte Basin.
ConocoPhillips Libya Waha Ltd. Cayman Islands . Waha Oil Company (WOC), wholly owned by NOC, operates the asset. Waha, which normally produces 160,000 bpd, supplies crude to the Es Sider terminal, which restarted exports using stored oil last week. Waha Oil Company was established in 1955 combining the interests of the Lybian National Oil Company (NOC) and the three American companies.