As previously mentioned, if you are unsure as to whether your qualification is recognised then do not hesitate to get in touch with us.A list of GMC approved postgraduate qualifications can be found If you do not have a recognised GMC postgraduate qualification then you will have to sit the PLAB exam. That is why we work with an expert in IELTS preparation, named IELTS Advantage, who will be available to provide you with the help and support needed to allow you to pass the exam. GMC will be using other internal measures for appropriate placement. Once you have completed steps 1 - 3, you will be officially admitted into GMC and ready to begin classes. Who is eligible for full registration? When the GMC are satisfied they will invite you to attend an ID check in person at one of their offices in either London or Manchester. 1. In addition, the GMC only offer you three months from the moment your application is successful to complete the ID check and then you will need to apply again.When you arrive at the ID check you will be expected to have your passport and other forms of ID. The guidance will help to make sure you make the correct application and give us all the information we need.
By continuing to browse, you agree to our use of cookies. Our criteria. Specific guidance for international medical graduates An acceptable overseas primary medical qualification. If you have a qualification on this list, then you do not need to sit PLAB and you will be eligible for full GMC registration.. To be eligible for full registration, a doctor must be able to meet one of the three options below. It is important to note that further fees may be applicable and a full list of fees can be found The requirements for GMC registration in the UK will depend on a number of factors:As the GMC registration is a lengthy process our first piece of advice is that you visit the GMC The above documents will need to be sent within twenty-eight days of request otherwise you will be refunded the £390 you initially paid and you will have to restart your process all over again.We have broken down the GMC registration process into six steps and they are as follows:To be eligible to apply for the GMC registration and/or sit the PLAB test applicants must have passed all the qualifying examinations necessary for obtaining an ‘acceptable overseas qualification’ and a qualification that does not meet the criteria cannot be accepted. Primary source verification. GMC registration will generally cost £390; however, this could fluctuate dependent on your individual circumstance.
It is this organisation that has the responsibility to ensure the safety of the British public in the NHS. All the pathways that would lead to you practising medicine in the UK will ultimately require you to get a GMC registration and that is what this article is centered around. The GMC website provides guidance on what kind of registration you can apply for, and any other evidence you may need to provide, for depending on where you completed your training. The GMC have noted on their website that often a CGS can take a while to arrive so ensure you have your CGS before you make your application.The GMC expect doctors to possess the relevant knowledge and skills in order to practise in the UK. Get email alerts tailored to just the jobs you're interested in.Help us match you with jobs that are perfect for you.Upload it from your computer or via your phone from your cloud storage.The purpose of this blog article is to provide you with an overview of what the GMC registration process looks like and the various routes to ensure that you have a successful application.
For further information please visit the General Medical Council website.