Yoyo Dodo, formerly known as The Dodo Bird, is a wacky bird first seen in the 1938 Looney Tunes short "Porky in Wackyland". Gogo is a young, green male dodo, who wears blue shoes, has a purple collar and a pink and purple umbrella sticking out from the top of his head. He is one of the most frequently recurring characters on the show. The Season 3 finale, Take your favorite fandoms with you and never miss a beat.
Gogo Wackston the Dodo (full name revealed in K-Acme TV) is a cartoon character from the Warner Bros. animated television series, Tiny Toon Adventures. Gogo Dodo is a dodo bird who resides in Wackyland, which is near Acme Acres, and as the name suggests, is "wild and crazy and totally out of control. Nov 27, 2012 - Gogo Dodo, the heir to Wackyland, and son of the original Dodo bird from the 1930's cartoon, "Porky in Wackyland"/"Dough For the Dodo". Cavorting improbably against the fantastic Wackylandscape, Gogo Dodo shatters every rule of animation. Totally zany, he can shape-shift into anything and has a crazy personality. May be made up of dream logic, music, toys, living food, etc. Gogo and Wackyland were considered bizarre and nonsensical by even the lax standards of the other characters in the show, and the latter was usually explicitly avoided. Gogo Dodo is Wackyland's transfer student to Acme Looniversity. The crazy dodo is liable to turn up rowing a rubber raft through the halls of the Looniversity, ice-skating in mid-air, drawing doors on the wall and squeezing himself through the key hole, or turning himself inside out and parading around as a No-pest strip. Buster is based on the Chuck Jones version of Bugs Bunny, wh… Buster is a young, blue-and-white male rabbit with a red shirt and white gloves. Gogo Dodo is Wackyland's transfer student to Acme Looniversity. Reality isn't in his bag of tricks. Gogo is noted for performing various bizarre sight gags or stunts. Reality isn't in his bag of tricks. Gogo operates by his own set of rules, which means no rules. Gogo Dodo is a dodo bird who resides in Wackyland, which is near Acme Acres, and as the name suggests, is "wild and crazy and totally out of control."
The entrance is located across a bridge on the outskirts of the city of Acme Acres, the usual setting of Gogo is not only a student at Acme Loo, but also serves as a hall monitor and performs other duties, such as acting as a cuckoo bird for the Looniversity's various clocks and umpire during sports games. Gogo Wackston the Dodo (full name revealed in K-Acme TV) is a cartoon character from the Warner Bros. animated television series, Tiny Toon Adventures. He also appeared in the color remake "Dough for the Do-Do". He exclusively appears in the Tiny Toon Adventures TV series from the 90's. He is a living non-sequitur, the unofficial Wackyland goodwill ambassador, ready to disorient any Acme Acres resident who wanders into his bizarre territory. Wackyland was a major part of Tiny Toon Adventures, as well.Gogo Dodo was from there, and it seemed to be comprised largely of surreal, Dali-like imagery and free-floating objects that obeyed no laws of standard physics. According to series writer, Paul Dini, Gogo is the only character from Tiny Toon Adventures who is related to a Looney Tunes character; in this case, Gogo was the son of the original dodo from the 1938 Looney Tunes cartoon, Gogo is noted for performing various bizarre sight gags or stunts. Gogo Wackston the Dodo (full name revealed in "K-ACME TV") is a cartoon character from the Warner Bros. animated television series Tiny Toon Adventures. — Gogo Dodo, Tiny Toon Adventures episode "The Looney Beginning" An especially whimsical, surreal, or nonsensical area in a video game.
Wackyland is a surreal land where backgrounds change constantly and the entrance to which is located across a bridge on the outskirts of the city of Acme Acres. Gogo operates by his own set of rules, which means no rules. He is a recurring character and is the son of Yoyo Dodo.