To prepare for joining the EU, Bosnia and Herzegovina agreed to the so-called Reform Agenda of 2015 – 2018, which contained socio-economic reforms aimed at moving it closer to EU standards. It paves the way for the delegates of the Parliamentary Assembly of BiH and the European Parliament Members to cooperate in this joint body and strengthen political dialogue at parliamentary level,” said a message published by the EU Delegation in Bosnia.It is added that the adoption of the Rules of Procedure demonstrates that political leaders and BiH institutions are able to make compromise and resolve difficult issues.“This spirit should guide future reform efforts in the country”, it is concluded in the message.European Neighbourhood and Enlargement Commissioner Olivér Várhelyi, also welcomed the agreement earlier today, stressing this was an important step towards the fullfilment of one of 14 priorities for progress on the EU path.Bosnia&Herzegovina: I welcome the adoption of Rules of Procedure for Stabilisation&Association Parliamentary Committee by The European Investment Bank (EIB) has signed an €11.8 million EU grant with Bosnia and Herzegovina to finance the construction of the 6.9 km long Tarčin Ivan section of the pan European Corridor Vc. Since 2006, the task force has been replaced by the Reform Process Monitoring (RPM). There are a number of countries with strong links with the EU, similar to elements of membership. As a part of these reforms both entities of Bosnia and Herzegovina, namely the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska, as well as Brčko District agreed to move towards certain EU labor laws.The Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina and the Republic of Srpska fulfilled their obligations under the Reform Agenda some months ago and now the government of Brčko District has also adopted legislation to ensure compliance. The following year, a EU/Bosnia and Herzegovina Consultative Task Force was put in place to start the process. The EU imported 490 million Euros of EUTR-regulated products from Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2018, according to data from the Eurostat Comext database23. The law also introduces a category of force majeure as a reason for a paid absence.The new law introduces a much more detailed description of discrimination in the field of employment and prescribes in which cases different treatment should not be considered discrimination. © 2020, Ogletree, Deakins, Nash, Smoak & Stewart, P.C. The EEA links these countries into the EU's market, extending the four freedomsto these states. The EU established a regional approach to the Western Balkans in 1997, with political and economic conditionality criteria for the development of bilateral relations. In this way, the EU will support the sector in creating new jobs and retain existing ones, while supporting recovery from the crisis caused by the … Switzerland rejected membership of the EEA. In return, they pay a membership fee and have to a… The main EUTR products imported into the EU from Bosnia and Herzegovina in 2018 by value (Figure 2) and weight (Figure 4) were fuel wood (HS 4401) and sawn wood (HS 4407), with furniture also of