Within the town of Granite you These are not just those little creaks and groans, but real life, genuine hauntings that will make the hair on the Do yourself a favor and pick up a copy of William Sullivan’s “100 Hikes: Travel Guide Eastern Oregon” at the Dredge visitor center, and you’ll be well equipped to do some exploring.The road quickly turns north as you reach the outskirts of town. Although most of the tunnels have been filled in, some remain and are open to the public for tours. Granite Oregon Ghost Town Initially, the town was named "Independence", because it was founded on July 4th in 1862. granit98DU0700 (© 2003 by Daniel Ter-Nedden) Buy pictures The Friends of the Sumpter Valley Dredge is committed to maintaining the history of the dredge for today, tomorrow, and for future generations to learn and enjoy.This project has been funded in part by a grant from Travel Oregon and Oregon Cultural Trust.Then get regular updates on events and opportunities happening in and around Sumpter when you opt-in to our email list.Copyright 2018 Friends of the Sumpter Valley Dredge, All Rights Reserved | Web Design by Matt Sheeks - Granite is the jumping off point for several outdoor opportunities including hiking, mountain biking, snowmobiling, mine exploring, Olive Lake, and several other options. Granite is a good jumping off point if you are planning to visit the Fremont Powerhouse, Olive Lake, or the North Fork of the John Day River Trail. The city had a population of 38 in 2010, up from 24 in 2000. Since ...The ghostly pair who reside here are seemingly bound in their duel for eternity. He is believed to be a former house member. He has been seen by a number of people many times in the kitchen area and gets irritated when large groups of women spend too much time, generally around lunch, in the restaurant section. The Blue Man is ...The building was originally a house in the early 1800's, but is now an antique shop and restaurant. Initially, the town was called “Independance” because of the date that gold was discovered. And in the upstairs main library, some have felt an eerie feeling behind them, perhaps having to do with the giant portrait near the front desk. Reports say she used to haunt a merry-go-round situated in the park, pushing folks off and causing it … (Submitted by Callum Swift)Reports say that although the theater on the first floor is abandoned, the second floor is a private home. Within the town of Granite you will find several historic buildings including a schoolhouse, church, general store, and dance hall. Oregon is a state that is filled with some of America’s most notorious haunted houses, creepy roads and hellish haunts! 37.5 miles from Granite, OR This building has an extended history as a former resort and a former asylum and is reportedly haunted by numerous ghosts including former patients and people who are claimed to have killed themselves on the property. The road surface is good pavement the whole way.Continue on this road 16 miles to the town of Granite, which will be on the right.By donating to Friends of the Dredge, you will ensure that enhanced interpretive and educational experiences will continue to be offered at the dredge, such as guided tours, interpretive displays, renovation and staffing of the interpretive center. There are a number of widely reported haunted locations in the state of Oregon in the United States. Ghost town of Granite, Oregon Oregon Geographic Names allows a bit of disagreement about the origin (and possibly original location) of Granite.