Sunfish will rely heavily on a minnow diet at times, even though many anglers don’t equate minnows with sunfish. Some sunfish, but not all, are reaching the end of their rope when they get into that 11 inch range, and they will lose weight and thickness, much like a human does (OK, I’m not comparing a fish to a human, but you get what I mean). Studies show that angler harvest, especially of the large male sunfish, can have a huge impact on size quality. This is a very crucial part in the rapid growth-rate that the sunfish experience.Lake fertility will go hand-in-hand with temperature, but it’s not always concrete. But I’ve also seen an 11 1/2 inch sunfish that was thicker than most 11 1/2 inch bass.Forage also plays a huge role in this, as does overall quality of life. We’re talking about plate-size sunfish that won’t fit in an average person’s hand. At 13 feet 9 inches (4.2 m) in length and 130 lb (59 kg) in weight, the Sunfish is easily carried in a luggage rack or a light trailer. Now, sunfish can and will get big on a micro-organism diet, but it will just take a longer period of time. What makes a sunfish weigh-out the way it does? The fat lands of Iowa, Nebraska and the Dakotas are home to many diminutive freshwater gems, which take the form of farm ponds.These little 20-50 acre puddles might not look like much to the aggressive big lake—more horsepower—angler of the Northern states, but what lies beneath the surface will drop the jaw of even the most emphatic angler. No matter the argument, water temperature, lake fertility and a strong, available forage base will most definitely up the ante in pinpointing what bodies of water will have the possibility of growing trophy-class sunfish.Sunfish are a lot of fun on light tackle, and trophy sunfish will push the limits of any ultra-lite rod. But, a diet rich in plankton, zooplankton and other micro-organisms is important as well.Most lakes will have adequate levels of micro-organisms, and usually there is a decent supply of a protein-rich meal too, but often times the areas where the “growth-food” is located are not the areas where sunfish would prefer to be (in reference to large lakes). Standard length-to-weight charts are just that…standard, normal, average, but when referring to trophy-class sunfish, the term average shouldn’t even be in the same context.Different regions and climates can play a huge role in sunfish weight and the amount of time it takes for a sunfish to reach that weight. Freshwater scuds, insects, minnows, plankton, frogs and all the other goodies that sunfish favor. Some bodies of water grow thicker and taller sunfish. It’s no wonder why those extremely fertile lakes grow monster sunfish, it’s because the food base is exceptional.I would have to agree that using a length-to-weight measurement chart of some sort is not always accurate, and in most cases I’d go as far to say they’re not very accurate at all (when it comes to trophy sunfish). Warm water temperature is a key ingredient. A minnow diet will help provide solid levels of protein, as will as diet rich in scuds, bloodworm and other protein-packed organisms. An 11 inch sunfish in those larger lakes is going to be much older than an 11 inch sunfish of one of the southern area farm ponds. Certain types of forage will help in the growth process, but the amount a fish eats can be even more important. Of all the sunfish in New York State, the pumpkinseed is the favorite of children. The Sunfish hull is light enough to throw on top of your car with ease, and the bulletproof Laser Performance construction ensures that your Sunfish will provide years of virtually maintenance free enjoyment. When they hatch, the ocean sunfish fries are only as big as a pin head! As we venture farther south (and also to the west) from my home state of Minnesota, we’ll find more fertile and “sunfish-rich” ecosystems. The Sunfish is a one-design sailing dinghy which can be sailed with one or two person(s) but is most often sailed singlehanded. They are nutrient-rich environments that cater to the demands of the “bull” sunfish.A strong forage base is something important for all freshwater species, and more available forage means the better chance of growing big fish. The Sunfish is a one-design sailing dinghy which can be sailed with one or two person(s) but is most often sailed singlehanded. It prefers the same habitat as Smallmouth Bass and Rock Bass, and is often found in the larger rivers with them, but frequents the shallower water.