Then pull it out and slide the top of the bait all the way up to the jig head until it is securely on. Shakey Head A Craw. We are sorry that this post was not useful for you!
In the water it will cause the jig head to sit with the hook facing up at a 60 degree angle.
Tie it on a No votes so far! Stick it all the way through and the point of the hook should be parallel with the bait.When you are texas rigging a crawfish you want to do the same thing as texas rigging a worm except since crawfish swim backwards you want to put the eye of the hook at the tail end of the crawfish.The next rig is called the wacky rig. Be the first to rate this post. First you want to put the hook down into the bait until you reach the bend in the hook. This is so that you can make it as weedless as possible. My personal favorites are Gamakatsu Extra wide gap hooks.For the texas rig you want to start by putting the hook point down 1/4" through the top of the bait. No matter where they live, bass of all three species can’t resist a live craw. For obvious reasons, this makes crawfish imitating plastics staples in even the most novice basser’s arsenal.As versatile as they are effective, there’s almost no wrong way to rig a craw, provided it’s in the water of course.Here are a couple lesser utilized ways to catch more bass on craws.The ideal bait for punching through heavy vegetation should have a slim profile to slip through the thick stuff, a big enough body to hold a large hook, and a natural action.
Then take a circle hook or an octopus hook and put it through the middle of the worm. Once you have it down a quarter of an inch you want to push the hook out of the bait. For the texas rig you want to start by putting the hook point down 1/4" through the top of the bait. They’re readily available; provide tons of nutrition – and drive bass absolutely crazy. From there you want to slide the hook down until the eyelet of the hook is right at the top of the bait.
First you want to hold the ends of the worm together and mark the middle of the worm with your finger. It uses a bullet weight and either an offset shank worm hook or an Extra Wide gap hook. Next line up where the shank of the hook bends and mark that on the plastic with your finger. HEAVY TEXAS RIG. In the super thick stuff, streamlining the bait by removing the claws and going with just the body and a narrow spear tail like on the Punch Out craw helps with the cover penetration. Nice instructible For the Texas rigs, I always stick a toothpick in the bullet weight and break it off. In this Instructable I will be showing you some basic rigs for bass fishing.The texas rig is the most basic and common rig. This should give you equal length of worm on either side of the hook and when you twitch the rod tip up it will cause both sides of the worm to shake up and down.For this rig you will need a special jig head known as either a shakey head or stand up jig head. With this rig you want to use a stick bait worm, such as a stik-o or senko worm. You need to have a plastic bait that floats, such as a ZOOM trick worm or craws with floating claws. Then pull the bait up and insert the hook at the point you made with your finger.
If you’ve ever seen a crawfish flitting about in the rocks, you may have noticed … Keeps the weight against your worm. 5 years ago When punching’s the deal, Wheeler upsizes his weight to a 1 1/2- to 2-ounce pegged sinker and drives the bait through heavy vegetation. Unsurprisingly, craws fit the bill here in every way. 6 years ago Once you have it down a quarter of an inch you want to push the hook out of the bait. From there you want to slide the hook down until the eyelet of the hook is right at the top of the bait. 5 years ago This rig is very effective at catching alot of bass. Then, similar to the texas rig, mark with your finger how far and at what angle to put the hook in so that just the point of the hook is exposed.