They are a faithful transcription of the spoken word from tape recordings made for rebroadcasting to a radio audience in the evening of the Sunday on which each was delivered. You will now receive Cokesbury News, Sales and Deals.There was an error processing your request. The discussion of these issues is shaped around the theology of Howard Thurman (1900-1981), one of the greatest religious thinkers of his generation. The response has been such that a third edition, greatly enlarged, is now being sent forth to reach an even wider audience. Ranging from Origen and Augustine to Jonathan Edwards, Thérèse of Lisieux and Thomas Merton, it offers a view of the texts which is founded in scholarship, but which also presents them as living documents that invite- even compel -contemplative reflection and existential response.
During the Montgomery Bus Boycott of 1955-1956 the Rev. At first, the gap did not seem serious. This book addresses Thurman's treatment of Jesus within the ebb-and-flow of the debates in this area. Teacher. They are not five critical essays. By telling the story of his religious lives, Paul Harvey gives the reader a window into many of the main currents of twentieth-century American religious expression. @�!�!���̈́����!�6�4,�� Y_–���V����ZE���8q�?�:L���2���Ì��L���ة�̝w�9�wι��{ . Howard Thurman, the great spiritualist and mystic, was renowned for the quiet beauty of his reflections on humanity and our relationship with God.

0000069303 00000 n 0000026759 00000 n Over the course of his extraordinary career, Thurman served as a dean of Rankin Chapel and professor of theology at Howard University; minister of the interdenominational Fellowship Church in San Francisco, of which he was a cofounder; dean of Marsh Chapel of Boston University; and honorary canon of the Cathedral Church of St. John the Divine in New York. As a result of many requests, fifty of these meditations were first published in 1947, followed, a year later, by a second edition which included fifty additional meditations. Nurturing the Prophetic Imagination challenges Christians to engage the most troubling social problems of our time by first drinking deeply from the well of the historic prophetic traditions. . It asks whether or not Jesus' life and work offers theological, religious and ethical resources that can address the question of contemporary forms of white privilege. The attempt is not to set forth a connected series of observations or reflections, but rather to throw a shaft of light on aspects of thought, of life, of religious experience, as they are encountered in the daily round.The story of an unexpected and terribly inconvenient Christian conversion, told by a very unlikely convert, Take This Bread tells the story of a restaurant cook and writer who wandered into a church and found herself transformed, setting up a food pantry around the same altar where she first received the body of Christ. a tale of trial and triumph.
0000022160 00000 n This is the first work devoted exclusively to the subject of Christology as the center of Thurman's theology. --Vincent HardingThis book examines the meaning of Jesus' humanity, his divinity, and the special significance of his teachings to the poor and the oppressed. This collection of fifty-four of his most well-known meditations features his thoughts on prayer, community, and the joys and rituals of life. Paul Harvey's biography of Thurman speaks to the manifold ways this mystic theologian and social activist sought to transform the world to better reflect "that which is God in us," despite growing up in the South during the ugliest years of Jim Crow. Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. is said to have carried a copy of Thurman’s work with him during his travels and clearly embraced Thurman’s emphasis on the need for the oppressed to love their enemies and turn away from hatred. 2043 0 obj <> endobj xref 2043 42 0000000016 00000 n In this classic theological treatise, the acclaimed theologian and religious leader Howard Thurman (1900-1981) demonstrates how the gospel may be read as a manual of resistance for the poor and disenfranchised. Hatred does not empower--it decays. . Please try again.The email address you supplied is invalid.

This item is available for return. These are five sermons on certain dilemmas of Jesus, growing out of temptations which he faced. 0000025862 00000 n 0000026261 00000 n