
• Lake sturgeon, Batchawana Bay, Lake Superior (live released) Their slender bodies are quite flexible; these fish have been known to wrap themselves around the arms of fishermen after being caught.They are incredibly sensitive to pollution and turbidity, which is why they’re able to thrive in the clean, cold waters of Lake Superior. A single female can lay around 100,000 eggs, typically broadcasting them over rocks that will help to catch and shelter them. Depending on her size, a female lake whitefish can lay anywhere from 10,000 to well over 100,000 eggs.

Large pectoral fins allow them to scoot and “walk” along the sediment, and they do this quite often rather than swimming. Lake sturgeon, Batchawana Bay, Lake Superior (live released) They themselves feed on small crustaceans and fish.As might be surmised by their name, lake whitefish have a pale coloration. Lake Superior, most northwesterly and largest of the Great Lakes of North America and one of the world’s largest bodies of fresh water. It’s possible that over time they will further diverge and split into two truly genetically different species, but at least for now they are one and the same.Steelheads are capable of reaching over two feet and 15 or more pounds, while rainbow trout are considerably smaller – averaging about a foot in length and 5 or 6 pounds. Their diet includes aquatic insects, crustaceans, plankton, clams, and sometimes smaller fishes.Brown trout are so named for their coloration.

Wisconsin Passing females lay their eggs in this somewhat submerged nest, and afterward the male fertilizes them.

Since that time there have been five SRFs operated within the Lake Michigan Basin built on the same LRBOI design. These include bass, trout, perch, sunfishes, and even some pike.Spawning begins once water temperatures reach between 42 and 50° F (5.5 to 10° C). This allows them to feed easily both on lake bottoms as well as water surfaces.These deep dwellers are quite reclusive, often found in schools at depths of up to 200 feet.

To stand on its banks is to feel truly, soberingly small. If you don’t hail from Canada, Michigan or a Midwestern state bordering the Great Lakes, it’s very hard to adequately envision the scope of these truly mammoth bodies of water in your mind.The term “lake” is somewhat misleading when it comes to the Great Lakes, as most lakes are classified as water bodies that average between 5 and 200 hectares in circumference with an Lake Superior is in a category almost all its own.

During the The mountains steadily eroded, depositing layers of The first people came to the Lake Superior region 10,000 years ago after the retreat of the glaciers in the last The next documented people are known as the Shield Archaic (c. 5000–500 BC).

    Fisheries Research Board of Canada, Department of the Environment, Ottawa. Lake Superior is the largest freshwater lake in the world. The USFWS is going through measures to restore the species of lake sturgeon by recording abundance, distribution, age, growth and health of the species.

Despite their size, their diet consists of small organisms, such as clams, crayfish, leeches, small fish, and aquatic insects. They eat crabs, clams, and crayfish when young, and switch to feeding on other fish as adults.A very popular species, about 10,000 Coho salmon are caught in Lake Superior each year.

and E.J.