"The fact that we have seen these two fish may be random, or maybe it says something.
They caught a five foot sturgeon and they were hooked. "Rosenau said it's unusual to see two record-worthy sturgeons caught in one year. Rare albino sturgeon, possibly the world’s biggest, caught on Fraser River Chad Helmer (center) poses with what he claims is the world record albino sturgeon, and he might be right. Lake sturgeon are the largest freshwater fish species in the northern hemisphere, according to the government of Alberta’s website. For more information please read our But until we see more fish, I guess the question is whether there is a lot more that are just going to magically appear. They dreamed of returning to do it again.
According to information on Len’s Sport Fishing Adventures website, the photograph was taken during a 2005 fishing expedition and was at the time the “Largest Fresh Water Fish caught by a British Subject”. For that reason, the IGFA world record for a white sturgeon stands at only 468 pounds.Sign up for our newsletter to get the latest adventures, workouts, destinations, and more.Men’s Journal has affiliate partnerships so we may receive compensation for some links to products and services.
"It was just, you know, humbling experience to be able to catch an animal that large. Photo: Expert Tips on Transitioning Your Climbing Gym Skills to the RockThe Importance of Rock-Rescue Skills, According to an ExpertRescue Under the Lights: When a Night-Fishing Mission Goes AwryNonprofit Organization Plots 700-Mile Bears Ears Mountain Bike Loop Based on a database kept by the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society, Werk said it could be the largest fish ever caught in the continent. "These aren't fish that were just born, last week, last year, last decade, last half century," said Rosenau. “It was a true fish of a lifetime,” guide Darren Mulrooney said about the never-before-tagged sturgeon they estimated was at … At 178 centimetres (70 inches) long, …
The largest one to be caught on record weight 105 pounds and was 155 centimetres (61 inches) long. Populations of white sturgeon have declined in many rivers, primarily due to habitat fragmentation and lack of access to spawning grounds.
Photo: The albino sturgeon measured 11 feet, 2 inches and weighed an estimated 1,000 pounds. They returned three years later. https://www.cbc.ca/.../another-giant-sturgeon-caught-in-fraser-river-1.1295767 It was really neat to see.”After taking photos along the shoreline, Helmer released the albino sturgeon, leaving him with amazing memories and quite a fish tale to tell.An Internet search for albino sturgeon images resulted in none the size Helmer caught, and only one much smaller could be found—an albino sturgeon caught in the Snake River in Washington this summer. On their first day out fishing, at 11:30 a.m., Paul Jarvis hooked into one of the largest white sturgeon ever caught on the Fraser River.
Total length of the sturgeon was 11 feet ten inches (361cm) long (that’s a fork length of 10 feet seven inches (326cm) – nose to V in tail) and 56 inches (145cm) in girth, tape measured below the pectoral fins.
"Daley and his team tagged the massive sturgeon and released him back into the waters.
https://www.cbc.ca/.../another-giant-sturgeon-caught-in-fraser-river-1.1295767 A fishing group on BC’s Fraser River has just broke the record for catching the largest “virgin sturgeon” — reeling in a monster that has escaped tagging for decades.On Friday, August 16, a group consisting of Alan Urmenata, Darren Auramenko, Brant Craig, Frank Koch caught the fish of their lifetime.After 40 minutes, the group managed to reel in an enormous sturgeon — and, remarkably, it has never been tagged before.The humongous sturgeon was 345 cm long with a girth of 61 inches, tying it with the largest “‘tag and release’ white sturgeon on the Fraser River,” according to Lang Nguyen, the owner of Lang’s Fishing Adventures.Nguyen estimated that the sturgeon is well over a 120-years-old, weighs around 800 lbs, and is most likely a female.Lang’s Fishing Adventures is a catch-and-release fishery and has been tagging fish for over 23 years.Most of the new fish are smaller ones that haven’t been tagged but according to Nguyen, what makes this catch incredible is that “23 years later, there are still fish out there that live in the ocean that come to this river and that have never been caught before.”It makes them realize that they “really don’t know much about them.”The sturgeon was tagged for the Fraser River Sturgeon Conservation Society’s monitoring and assessment program and, after taking photos with it, was released back into the river.“We’re tagging these fish and we need them on a database. A Kamloops, B.C., man is celebrating after landing one of the biggest fish ever caught in the Fraser River — the second giant fish caught in the river in recent months.Norman Daley was out on a company fishing tour near Chilliwack Friday when he landed a white sturgeon more than three-and-a-half metres long and weighing nearly 500 kilograms. Steve Kaye is one of these guides.
Home Giant 12 foot Sturgeon caught on Fraser River July 20, 2012 – Chilliwack, BC — In June 2009, a retired couple from Salisbury, England flew to Canada and fished on the Fraser River with a BC fish guide charter company for two days.