
Senior Medium-Term Notes, Series E Terms of Sale We may from time to time offer and sell notes with various terms, including the following: The final terms of each note will be included in a pricing suppl ement and, if applicable, a product supplement.

%���� Why would a company have a medium-term note program? Medium-term debt is a type of bond or other fixed income security with a maturity, or date of principal repayment, that is set to occur in two to 10 years. Thus, the issuer can avoid a large public offering that may indicate that the company is financially distressed.Although medium-term notes have many advantages, the traditional method of To create medium-term notes in the United States, a corporation, institution, or a government entity files a shelf registration with the SEC, typically for $100 million to $1 billion of securities. Medium Term Notes (Principal At Risk Notes) Bank of Montreal (the “Bank”) may from time to time offer and issue medium term notes (principal at risk notes) (the “Notes”) in amounts, at prices and on terms to be set forth in an accompanying pricing supplement (a “Pricing Supplement”).

Today, they have evolved into highly customizable debt securities that serve the special needs of both issuer and investor, and serves as a major source of funding for corporations, government agencies, institutions, and countries.Most MTNs are noncallable, unsecured, senior debt with fixed rates and investment grade ratings.The main benefit of MTNs over bonds to both issuers and investors is the flexibility of its structure and documentation. <>/XObject<>/ProcSet[/PDF/Text/ImageB/ImageC/ImageI] >>/MediaBox[ 0 0 612 792] /Contents 4 0 R/Group<>/Tabs/S/StructParents 0>>

endobj Medium Term Notes (MTN) Callable Callable debt is term debt that provides the issuer the right, but not an obligation, to call (or retire) the debt prior to the final maturity of the issue. A medium-term note (MTN) is a note that usually matures in five to 10 years. However, as with bonds, the principal protection is only as good as the creditworthiness of the issuer.

3 0 obj Indeed, the new About 1/3 of MTNs issued offer partial or complete principal protection. It is traded and issued outside of the United States and Canada.

Usually yields are expressed as a spread above another fundamental rate, such as the rate for Treasuries or the LIBOR. Fixed income refers to assets and securities that bear fixed cash flows for investors, such as fixed rate interest or dividends.What Investors Need to Know Before Investing in Callable BondsThe Benefits and Disadvantages of Investing in Fixed-Income Securities Freddie Mac can issue callable debt in a variety of forms, with final maturities typically ranging from one to fifteen years.

��:pŴ��W�p� ���h}N�����-�_�'���i�}z�%�����q�J� Since the term involved in an MTN is longer than those associated with short-term investment options, the coupon rate will often be higher on an MTN while being lower than the rates offered on some longer-term securities.

An MTN's flexibility to meet the needs of both issuer and investor, the diversity of the notes' available terms to maturity, special features that protect the investor and

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The notes will be issued at 100% of their