I may actually build a circuit to see if this works. Also, you could use this thermistor to take body temperature from the armpit, which is pretty close to the actual body temperature. Also, I used the coefficients in your sketch. ThanksIt has do with the math… check out Adafruit’s page on thermistorsFirst it’s not “RawADC-1” but rather (1024.0/RawADC)-1 since the multiplication takes precedence over the subtraction.didnt understand line 5 and 6.can anyone explain whats going on there?hi, I am using a 100k glass bead thermistor (meant for 3d printing), and wired it up like you showed and uploaded the code. could you suggest me how to put 3 thermistors that give 3 readings simultaneously in Celsius?.. I don’t understand why there is a max impedance on the analog inputs. This is known as a voltage divider. The range I’m avoiding is from 5 degree Celcius to 60 degree Celcius. Check out this article for more info: Great tutorial. Shouldn’t they read any voltage value as it is? In this case, the resistance of my thermistor is 100K Ohms, so my resistor is also 100K Ohms.The manufacturer of the thermistor might tell you it’s resistance, but if not, you can use After connecting the circuit above, upload this code to your Arduino to output the temperature readings to the serial monitor in Fahrenheit:To display the temperature in degrees Celsius, just comment out line 18 by inserting two forward slashes (“//”) at the beginning of the line.This program will display Celsius and Fahrenheit at the same time:Here’s a video of the temperature sensor so you can watch me set it up and see how it works:Well, that’s about it. Thanks.Alvin is correct.

Please tell me what is happening.hi, if you are still interested use 100K thermistor and use the following co-efficience c1 =0.7203283552e-3 c2= 2.171656865e-4 and c3 = 0.8706070062e-7. The temperatures returned by the sketch were in excess of 400! may I know which resistors you used ? I don’t have a PTC thermsitor to experiment with, so I’m not sure what the code would look like for a PTC thermistor.Hello to everyone, a little help please? So what I need to do, is store the initial temp in a variable, then check the subsequent temps against that temp, and besides reporting the temp, report on the next line weather temps rise or fall, as well as light a red LED if the temp rises, a blue LED if it falls, and a green LED if it remains the same. The problem with using this thermistor orally is that the exposed leads of the thermistor would be partially shorted by the saliva in the mouth. From the equation: Vout=Vin(R2/(R1+R2)), the R2 resistor is the one that connects to ground and R1 connects to 5V (or 3.3V).
I don’t want to use up the extra 2 digits and the decimal point, how do I tell it to stick to whole numbers?please can any one help me write a code of humidity sensor range between 80-85Hay man tanks for the code it works but a slight problem when it is like cold or when i gave some cold air the temperature doesn’t comes below 29,28 it shows some Chinese,japanes languages on the display on the other when i heat the thermistor the temperature rises & displays 70,80,90 thats not a issueThe equation derived for R2 looks wrong. What I really want is to add a condition that would display the words “Danger Zone” when the temperature is anywhere in between the said range. I was thinking along the lines of adding an if else statement with the following.Please can anyone correctly insert this line at the right spot and send me the whole code because I can't seem to make it work. If you swap the power and ground on the resistor circuit, then everything should work.There is only one problem with this circuit. The resistance of this thermistor at room temp is about 45 ohm according to datasheet and my multimeter.

Exactly what I needed to complete my project to read temperature and display on a little OLED display.What if I want to use more than one thermistor to sense different temperatures, say 10.And if you want to connect more than one sensor, what code you will need to write?hi, if you are still interested use 100K thermistor and use the following co-efficience c1 =0.7203283552e-3 c2= 2.171656865e-4 and c3 = 0.8706070062e-7.
I have been using the same resistors and thermistorwhat do you call the digital monitor that is small in the videoThanks a million for the video and sketch. They are classified by the way their resistance responds to temperature changes. Can any one tell me how to rectify this problem.it works brilliantly but could you suggest me how to put 2 thermistors that give 2 readings simultaneously in Celsius? Also, feel free to share this if you know anyone that would find it helpful!Is connecting wires mean arduino 40 pin female to female jumper connector?I couldn’t find any information on your specific thermistor, but it sounds like the problem could be related to if your thermistor is PTC (positive temperature coefficient) or NTC (negative temperature coefficient). This allows it to change its resistive value in proportion to small changes in temperature. A thermistor is basically a two-terminal solid state thermally sensitive transducer made from sensitive semiconductor based metal oxides with metallised or sintered connecting leads onto a ceramic disc or bead. ?Your explanation was good but you should atleast tell what resistor value are you using ? Maximum is 32,256 bytes.To add more thermistors keep adding the following code and change the analogue read pin.