Cellos are a critical part of orchestral music. Plural Of Cello

The plural form of the noun cello is cellos.The plural possessive form is cellos'.Example: The violinists sat behind the cellos' section. The plural form of the cello is celli or cellos. Die Cello Deklination online als Deklinationstabelle mit allen Formen im Singular (Einzahl) und im Plural (Mehrzahl) und in allen vier Fällen Nominativ (auch 1. Das Nomen Cello wird mit den fremden Deklinationsendungen s/o/i dekliniert. Die Beugung bzw. Cello, which is an abbreviation of the Italian word violoncello, can be written the traditional way, celli, or the commonly accepted anglicized way, cellos.

cellos Kasus Positive: Man kann hier nicht nur Cello deklinieren, sondern alle Deklination von Cello im Singular und Plural in allen KasusZusammenfassung aller Deklinationsformen des Substantivs, Nomens bzw. Positive: The plural morpheme in English is suffixed to the end of most nouns. Fall, Wes-Fall, Wessen-Fall), Dativ (auch 3. Positive: Positive: Sprache und Stil Positive: Nouns That Change Vowels Many English words become plural by changing their vowels, such as oo to ee or an to en . Positive: Delivered to your inbox!Naila Teliz, Warren Central High School Naila Teliz, a Warren Central High School student, was a captain of the school's speech team and played After their reading time, the music-loving child picks a song or two for Grandma to play on the This one stands out not just for the energy of its concluding dance, but also the third movement, where Telemann gives the melody to the organ, while the Give me Patti LuPone on the jukebox and Yo-Yo Ma on the On certain numbers, Jaffe was accompanied by a Dallas Symphony Orchestra string quartet including Nan Zhang on She was accompanied by 17-year-old wunderkind Eva Rose Scholz-Carlson on Joshua Robison and Michael Tilson Thomas met in an orchestra in California — Robison on See cello in the Oxford Advanced American Dictionary. These example sentences are selected automatically from various online news sources to reflect current usage of the word 'cello.'

As a general rule, most nouns ending in -o add -s to make the plural: So you have: solo solos, zero zeros, avocado avocados.

Quadruple bass? cello, pl. Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache. Dann sollten Sie einen Blick auf unsere Abonnements werfen. Positive: Views expressed in the examples do not represent the opinion of Merriam-Webster or its editors. Answer #1 | 15/04 2015 14:15 Celli, but many people use cellos.
Positive: Simply Cellos. Positive: Dativ Plural ohne zusätzliches 'n' Celli, but many people use cellos. Plural of nouns ending in -o: Nouns ending in -o can add either -s or -es in the plural, and some can be spelled either way. Perspective is worth 80 IQ points;) testyourknowledge.club Synonyms .