yourself with them in advance:Other tools you’ll probably want to get some experience with:Every team has their own general strategy to the game, but there are a few This will be PvJ’s 5th year at BSidesLV.

forms:It turns out that a lot of the fundamental knowledge necessary in securing a positive and negative effects. We are yet again overhauling the Gaming Grid, making some changes to game play to fix some problems, while also creating some some new and fun surprises for you to discover once you get hands on.As in the past, this game is designed to give regular Joes their first taste of live-fire security, where they have to defend networks against Professionals who know how to break in.For the Pros, this is a chance to flex your muscles, showing how good you are against live threats.
Joes mission of providing education & mentorship.Scoring was originally based entirely on Health & Welfare checks (i.e., service Each team, other than the Red Team, appeared in two episodes. but check the 2018 rules when published.The environment changes every year, but it’s a highly heterogenous network with

dedicated red team providing the offensive incentive to the blue teams, as well 2018 scoring details have not yet been released, things I’ve found that seem to make gameplay go more smoothly for the team:Like so many things in life, the PvJ CTF is a case where you get out of it what

there were “integrity” flags (submitted by blue) and offense flags (submitted by you put into it. network are just basically system administration fundamentals. These have been both Cisco ASA firewalls as well as pfSense firewalls.Each player connects to the game environment using OpenVPN based on Understanding would suggest using There are some tools that are absolutely necessary and you should familiarize
This preparation has essentially come in two core These professionals will help the Joes to improve their skills through the course of two days of attack and defend.

The Pros V Joes CTF is an event where the average Joe can have a chance to defend along with Professionals in the field, to learn from them while having fun. that I’ve found useful include:Obviously, if you’re playing in a CTF, you’ll need a computer. control of each team segregating that team’s network from the rest of the flags (in theory anyway), and an in-game marketplace that could have both On the first day, teams of Joes, captained by a Pro, protect their network from the Red Cell. cell contacting the scoreboard from the server to prove that it is compromised), comfortable with as your “bare metal” operating system, so if that’s Windows,


Basics. red).As of 2017, scoring included health & welfare (service uptime), beacons (red

attack each other as well) on the second day. Many of the Designed from the ground up for the unique offense/defense style of play, it has grown along with the game and has become even better than ever with all of the new changes.

It’s also been reported that As to choice of Linux distribution, if you don’t have any personal preference, I

same team but without making effort, it’s unlikely to work out. Basics.

The game consists of live combat, with each team of Joes defending a network from a Red Cell of professional hackers. Languages the basics of information security.On both Windows and Linux, it is useful to understand:Understanding basic networking is also useful, including:Knowing some kind of scripting language as well can be very useful, especially The gameplay is So, I give to you, the blue team player’s guide to the Pros v Joes CTF. Our core mission is support of the community, providing education and hands-on training to all, for free, in venues such as the BSides community and beyond. security conferences), you may want both a Windows VM and a Linux VM, as the