That’s not us? You have a jump pack, and Ravenguard comes with a handy dandy stratagem to give you advance and charge, and it adds plus 1 to the charge roll.Speaking of surprises, they should have renamed the Umbramancy Discipline the “Are You Sure That Works That Way?” Discipline because it is full of tricks. In my not so humble opinion, Lias’ most overlooked ability for Lias is bonus movement aura. Guys, I hope you liked the article and were able to draw a few laughs and a few more tricks. Play to win the mission and not just to get into early assaults.4. 4. Your opponent has to fear the threat of assault, has limited units that can challenge them in assault if they can make it, and is going to have a difficult time shooting a unit that is out of sight and has a 1+ save in cover.3. I’m looking at redoing the list because the 10th company formation means the scouts aren’t ob sec. Set up your Cents thinking ahead for how they will need to react to your opponent.Centurions have a 4″ move that can be buffed with Lias, but they are still limited in their scope, so you need to forward deploy your Centurions thinking of how they will need to move in the later game. Better to use the points to get the vet formation and go all in on veteran jumpers.With shrouded, they can easily be placed on the edge of your deployment zone and move forward on turn 1. Start Lias, the Cents, and the Smash Cap midfield on the line.2. In terms of fluff, I see Ravenguard as avoiding vehicles other than dreadnoughts, pods, and flyers and focusing on alpha/beta strike style lists. He gives old school Chapter Master rerolls, and, with proper placing on the deep strike, his 6’ aura can benefit all your deep striking units, and with a little pre-measuring, the majority of your forces on the ground. Not bad for a squishy caster. I had a few extras that I thought would be good additions like an assassin or the relic standard that gives +1 attack and makes them fearless.I would also consider a Chaplain instead of captain to give hatred to one of the groups of vets.I find myself gravitating toward the idea of a two Chaplain HQs each leading a set of nicely equipped vets to harass enemy units. ‘Ol Painless Ex Tenebris is a great all-around weapon at str 4 ap 2 d2 with a 36″ range and ignoring cover. I am however, one that listens to a great many podcasts to get the latest news, rumors, and discussions on tournaments and hobby in general.

It’s a good tactic in today’s ITC missions to have a Cent unit taking mid-board and protecting the rest of your firebase. Their 12″ no deep strike zone makes a huge footprint to keep out your opponent, so you can’t be assaulted on the deep strike. Brad dropped this forbidden knowledge on me. In my not so humble opinion, Lias’ most overlooked ability for Lias is bonus movement aura. Give him the warlord trait for ignoring overwatch and have him go ham on those pesky vehicles with your damage 4 Thunder Hammer.3. Need to get to an objective across the board or put the beats on a unit hiding out in Guam? Try them, and you’ll like them.Let’s talk about Assault Centurionsbecause they are a powerful unit that a lot of people mess up. He’s a great threat to make your opponent have less optimal deployment as he tries to protect his soon to be destroyed characters.2. Oooh scary, warp charge 7, range of 18”, and until the start of the next psychic phase, the unit can’t fire overwatch and is -1 to all it’s hit rolls. Not bad for a squishy caster. Pregame move the Cents and the Smash Cap because of Lias and Hungry for Battle. Furthermore, night fight happens on a 4+.Winged Deliverance: Jump units can use their packs in both movement and assault phases of the same turn. The drop site massacre on Istvaan V left their legion decimated, forcing them to pull from the fight until they could bolster their numbers. Sorry, must take a break for a peanut butter filled pretzels which taste so good with a cold pint of Smithwicks. All prices are for indicative purposes and subject to change without notice. Guys, I hope you liked the article and were able to draw a few laughs and a few more tricks.