I could never imagine using this name. ratings


Polski "...and it is called Algebar. In the myth, Orwandil, the Giant, was frostbitten and Thor broke off his frozen toe and threw it … Al-Sufi himself planned the figures, two for each constellation: one shows how they appear to an observer looking up toward the heavens; the other how they appear to the observer looking down upon a celestial globe.lit.

I think it's one of the better "Bella" names.The meaning is amazing, the sound is lovely... but, Lestrange.I'd like Bellatrix if JK Rowling hadn't made it so attached to Lestrange.I loathed the character Bellatrix. {{comment[1]}}

by Dutch Rigel Pharmaceuticals: Still Underfollowed And Trading At A Discount ratings

However, he was slain by the Dark Lord, who broke Fingolfin's neck with his foot. rating

Fixed star Rigel, Beta Orionis, is a 0.1 magnitude bluish triple star system situated on the left foot of the Hunter, Orion Constellation. Rarely, there is a pure emission Hα line.Rigel has been known to vary in brightness since at least 1930. Seems like your pronunciation of rigel is not correct.