Its breeding range extends from Portugal, southern Spain and the Balkan Peninsula, through the Middle East to Iraq, Kazakhstan and Pakistan.
There are four accepted subspecies. On the other side are his hand-written notes.

Members of this family are for the most part common birds with plenty of available habitat. The remaining laughing-thrushes are known as the rufous-chinned.

The rufous-tailed scrub robin is a bird of dry open country with bushes and shrubs. It is an uncommon vagrant to northern Europe. Also known as the red ovenbird, it is common in savannas, second-growth scrub, pastures and agricultural land and is synanthropic. Other common names include the rufous scrub robin, rufous bush chat, rufous bush robin and the rufous warbler.

Legs and feet are pink-gray.

Birds of the Indian Hills .

Also known as the red ovenbird, it is common in savannas, second-growth scrub, pastures and agricultural land and is synanthropic. Like other short distance migrants, most members of this family migrate later in fall, earlier in spring, and often show up at feeders during the winter. The global population of this bird is estimated at 2,400,000 individuals and does not show signs of decline that would necessitate inclusion on the IUCN Red List. Its habitat is dry scrubby open country with patches of dense bushes in lowlands or foothills; where it is numerous, it may also be found in parks, vineyards and large gardens.The rufous-tailed scrub robin is found flitting among dense cover but also in more open positions on trees, the tops of bushes and on posts. It has rusty stripes on its head and a rusty line behind its eye. It is frequently seen on the ground hopping about and flaring and bobbing its tail up and down. Tail is long and rounded. In dry southwestern hills and canyons, where sparse brush covers the rocky slopes, pairs of Rufous-crowned Sparrows lurk in the thickets. Also known as the red ovenbird, it is common in savannas, second-growth scrub, pastures and agricultural land and is synanthropic. Range extends south into the Baja Peninsula and into central Mexico. Adult male and female rufous-tailed scrub robin look alike and measure about 6 inches (150 mm) long with relatively long legs and a large rounded tail. Inhabits open oak woodlands and dry uplands with grassy vegetation and bushes, often near rocky outcrops.Most of the small birds such as the finches, wood-warblers, and sparrows are members of the one hundred and forty-two families found in the largest taxonomic order of birds; the PASSERIFORMES (pronounced pas-ser-i-FOR-meez).The New World Sparrows and related birds are placed in the passerellidae (pronounced pass-ur-EL-ih-dee), a group of one hundred and thirty species in twenty-six genera only found in the New World.Eighty-two species of New World Sparrows and Towhees in twenty-six genera are found in North America.Members of this family are known for their terrestrial behavior, cheery songs, and in the case of sparrows, challenges to their identification due to similarities in appearance of several species. The front part of the head consisting of the bill, eyes, cheeks and chin. Rufous Scrub-bird. Belly, undertail coverts, chest, flanks, and foreneck.The best bird guide and bird watching search engine to identify On one side are feathers from the Night Parrot (which is probably extinct), the Rufus Scrub bird and the Noisy Scrub bird. The rufous hornero is a medium-sized ovenbird in the family Furnariidae It occurs in eastern South America, and is the national bird in Argentina.

The rufous scrubbird (Atrichornis rufescens) is a bird species in the family Atrichornithidae. The nest is built a few feet off the ground in a bush, a hedge of Sometimes the rufous-tailed scrub robin is found in association with a The rufous-tailed scrub robin has an extensive range, estimated at 4.3 million square kilometres (1.66 million square miles), and a large population, including an estimated 96 to 288 thousand individuals in Europe. The upper parts are a rich brownish chestnut, with the rump and uppertail coverts rather more rufous.
The female has a lighter breast and lacks the white edging.The species occurs only in isolated locations in north-eastern Most of the early decline is believed to have been driven by the clearance of the species' lowland habitats, and logging practices are implicated in current declines, together with natural aging (and consequent disappearance of understorey) of remaining eucalypt stands.

The Rufous-crowned Sparrow has a large range, estimated globally at 1,200,000 square kilometers. Many translated example sentences containing "rufous scrubbird" – German-English dictionary and search engine for German translations.

Adults are a scaly-patterned dark rufous-brown, with a … The cards were created by well-known natural historian Sidney William Jackson towards the end of the 19th Century.

The male has a long white streak on both sides on his neck and noticeable white edging on his throat. Namesake rufous wing …