“Misleading”, “Correct” or “Wrong”).The result of the fact check? As a result, people are increasingly exposed to information that has not been tested or checked by journalists. Russell Skelton is also the founding director of RMIT ABC Fast Check and is very passionate about his work. Fact Check's return perfect timing in 'post truth' age of alternative facts and fake news. Skelton joined RMIT University in May 2017 and is still actively working there. “Misleading”, “Correct” or “Wrong”).The result of the fact check? Russell Skelton is the Director of RMIT ABC Fact Check. Choosing to change career wasn’t a risky decision for Hema Zmirak, as she knew that moving into cyber security is about as safe a bet as the name suggests. "A mindless click is all it takes to spread inaccurate information online,” she said.“Whether it's words, photos or videos, we want people to pause and check it before they share it. First posted June 05, 2017 06:43:56 Contact.
RMIT ABC Fact Check Director Russell Skelton at an event to mark 18 months since the first fact check under the new partnership. RMIT University respectfully acknowledges their Ancestors and Elders, past and present. Farewell by Martin Foley underlines what a great loss his departure is.

Read more about the increasingly important skill that sorts fact from fiction.As RMIT ABC Fact Check Director Russell Skelton said: “We’re not about gotcha but we knew the crocodile claim had some bite.”Katter's comment went viral on social media in November 2017 and the team of journalists, based at RMIT’s City campus, got to work.They contacted experts in the field for opinions and guidance on available data and sought clarification from Katter to confirm the basis of the claim. Russell Skelton’s family information is still not fully available as of July 2020 but it’s under review.Tony Keenan, CEO of Launch Housing, gives farewell to pack house. This is a snapshot of our achievements, programs and personalities and celebrates the ABC's contribution to Australian life for more than 80 years.We acknowledge Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples as the First Australians and Traditional Custodians of the lands where we live, learn and work.

RMIT also acknowledges the Traditional Custodians and their Ancestors of the lands and waters across Australia where we conduct our business. She returned home that day and told her husband, journalist The “news” on March 23-24 involved a woman who I’ll call “Marge”, 61, married to “Homer”, 68. … RUSSELL SKELTON: RMIT ABC Fact Check, a fresh innovative partnership, brings together the research capabilities of the university and the editorial experience and expertise of the ABC. “Federal election 2019: RMIT ABC Fact Check runs the rule over Scott Morrison and Bill Shorten's second debate https://t.co/lS5pu6QIq3 via @abcnews”

Because the tissue collected in the normal course of treatment and not specifically for the purposes of research, it did not meet the definition of scientific procedure within the legislation of Australian code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes, 8th edition (2013). RMIT ABC Fact Check Director Russell Skelton at an event to mark 18 months since the first fact check under the new partnership. "The fact-checking micro credential aims to make critical thinking a reflex action — a skill that is highly sought after in the workplace. The published investigation led to Journalists have traditionally been considered the gatekeepers of information in the public discourse, making decisions about what is newsworthy, what is worth investigating or reporting, checking it for accuracy and letting it through the media “gate” and out into the world.But, in the age of social media and online disruption, politicians, business leaders and other public figures have their own channels to get their message out to the public on their own terms. Previously he was founding editor of ABC Fact Check. Walkley Award-winning author Russell Skelton founded and ran the original ABC Fact Check from 2013 until mid-2016.
What do crocodiles, crime rates and codeine have in common? Russell Skelton, RMIT ABC Fact Check Director, with Laura Williams, BHERT Awards manager. "With a federal election due by the end of May, the RMIT ABC Fact Check team is gearing up for a big year.They’re set to relaunch their Election Promise Tracker, which featured during the 2016 federal campaign.Skelton said next year the unit would face its most profound and exciting challenges since the relaunch.“The federal election will be one of the most vigorously-contested and our researchers are expecting a plethora of claims to check,” he said.“Our plans include our first 'live' fact checking of the leaders’ debates, the relaunch of our highly-popular Election Promise Tracker and participation in broader efforts within the ABC to check misinformation and disinformation that will be rolled out on the social media ecosystem.”The team is also exploring new ways of publishing its findings through Google Home smart speaks and other audio devices.Skelton said there was considerable research that showed its audiences were migrating to these device.“This represents another big change in how people access news and one that cannot be ignored,” he said. The Australian Centre for the Moving Image (ACMI) has launched a fresh line of merchandise locally designed and produced in collaboration with RMIT textile design students.