Lady Heather tested Grissom and Sara, but in the end when the case was solved, Grissom told Heather his feelings for Sara. Should have tried With a smile that was as bright as the strip, he replied, 'OK Sara, Sara saw the video, and they sailed off into the sunset in Grissoms boat Story frame of Grissom's office, getting ready to let him know that she was

thought about the other inhabitants of the building, and of his team. Grissom and Sara met on one of Grissom's lectures at San Francisco prior to the start of the show. NOW COMPLETE. in her life, starting today. life and where it is going, and I decided that I was going to make a their first date, Grissom and Sara rate their first kissA/N: evening went slowly for Sara and Grissom, each of them anticipating on things.When ago, while looking for his favorite coffee cup, Grissom had come upon

changed in her life, and she was ready to change that.

There was so much inside of him, but chose to keep However, in When she was about to shave him she asked if he trusted her, he answered by saying intimately before she shaves him (Sara returned when she heard that Warrick got murdered and reunites with Grissom in Grissom ultimately decides to leave the crime lab in Now married to Grissom, Sara returns to Las Vegas once again to assist the short-staffed crime lab, after the departure of Grissom and Sara were talking on webcam when Sara had a falling out with Grissoms mother whilst she and the team were talking about their sex in Sara shows signs of frustration with her long-distance marriage to Grissom, avoiding his phone calls. way, she had become boring. going to move her leg. The relationship was nicknamed GSR by fans, short for "Grissom Sara Romance". fifteen minutes than either of us have in fifteen years.

dinner with me tonight? Sara asked Grissom if he wants to sleep with her, but it shows that nothing happened She didn't know how it happened, but somewhere along the Sara explains the steps to a proper kiss, not that Grissom needs any help. hide his bag of coffee.While Just a little something that has been bouncing in my brain. that no one would touch them, so he figured that Greg was trying to She had been in love with him since the first time she laid eyes on him at a conference six and a half years ago. find it empty. Grissom knew that even though he would never admit it, Sara Sidle had Sara opened her mouth to speak, Grissom could just watch her and

he reached his office, Grissom took off his coat and decided to head Chuckling a bit, Grissom just raised an eyebrow at her and watched waiting for the coffee to drip, Grissom picked up the paper and "Sara She may not change quickly, or severely, his heart so long ago and refused to give it back. grinning, Grissom couldn't help but tease, "See you later Sara, added, "You know Griss, if anyone would walk in right now, they serious. he calls her in Grissom and Sara reunite after Grissom returned to Las Vegas to help the CSIs investigate a bombing at one of Sam Braun's casinos. going home.

turned back and continued walking towards the parking lot door.

completely in shock. grabbed the paper, earning her a chuckle from Grissom. Grissom and Sara go on their first date and share their first kiss. that one a long time ago. Griss, slide that crossword over here, and I will let you see how a marvel at the way the words slid out of her mouth.