If you know an author's affiliated organizations, this can be another way to limit search results. Discover your research impact, manage attribution of your research works, and search citations.Note that this includes the author's H-Index (based on the citation results returned by Web of Science). For best results use multiple tools.Also remember that this is a quantitative tool, and that citations do not necessarily indicate a positive review of an article.You can search using the author field on the Web of Science search page, but for a more controlled search try using Author Search.
53 million total records If a name can be spelled more than one way, you may wish to click on Add Author Name Variant to include those alternative spellings.To narrow multiple results, indicate the research domains most applicable to the author you're looking for. A form of citation index is first found in 12th-century Hebrew religious literature.
Web of Science [v3.0] 2007: Citation count search . More than 53 million records and 1.18 billion cited references date back from 1900 to present.Our expert in-house editors use a single set of 28 criteria throughout the journal selection and curation process.
Work with the Web of Science Group to understand the global research landscape for quicker, more confident innovation.Discover the world’s most influential scientific journals with Science Citation Index ExpandedCreated as SCI in 1964, Science Citation Index Expanded™ now indexes over 9,200 of the world’s most impactful journals across 178 scientific disciplines. Web of Science provides access to three major citation indexes: Science Citation Index, Social Sciences Citation Index, and Arts and Humanities Citation Index. 9,200+ unique global journals Once you are in the ISI Web of Knowledge interface, click on the Cited Reference Search link at the top of the page:
Author Search in Web of Science is a guide to finding articles written by a specific author. 8.1 million total Open Access records An "Author details" page will then be displayed to provide information about author's affiliation, publication history, subject areas of interest and research information. Web of Science Citation Reports shows how that Web of Science feature can be used to get information about how an author is being cited, including … Being a citation index, it allows searching for articles that cite a known author or work (Cited Reference Search), as well as searching by subject, author, journal, and author. From this page, you can also view the author's h-index, h-Graph and "Citation Overview". 1 Cited Author Search: to find the citations to a person's work by entering the person's name. Every article and all cited references from every journal have been indexed, creating the most comprehensive and complete citation network to power both confident discovery and trusted assessment.Only the Web of Science Core Collection indexes every piece of content cover-to-cover, creating a complete and certain view of over 115 years of the highest quality research.Access our videos, training materials, LibGuides, webinars, and blog posts to learn more.Giving brands the ultimate certainty on trademarks through industry leading content and expertise.A suite of life science intelligence solutions that accelerate innovation.World leading patent intelligence, tools and services that power the innovation lifecycle.MarkMonitor helps establish and protect the online presence of the world's leading brands – and the billions who use them.One of the world's largest collections of industry codes and standards plus powerful tools for standards management.Organizing the world's research information.
This is called a cited reference search. You can then select the sets that are most likely to correspond to the author you are searching for.After you narrow the list of results to a specific author's articles, you can:This feature provides statistical information about an author's publishing output (indexed within Web of Science) and the citations the author's work has received.
Author Search in Web of Science is a guide to finding articles written by a specific author. Alternatively, you can click on an author's name after performing an author search. Organizations can include companies, institutes, groups and academic institutions with which the author has been and is currently associated.Use these limiters with caution, however. Legal citation indexes are found in the 18th century and were made popular by citators such as Shepard's Citations (1873). Use the author search feature in Web of Science to locate your published articles, track who is citing your research and monitor your H-index.. From the Web of Science homepage click the drop-down menu under 'Basic Search' and select 'Author Search'.