While his first love is musky fishing (he caught the current Minnesota State Record Tiger Musky in 1999), he also … With a record-breaking muskie being fished out of a new lake every year, it is surprising more people aren't aware of the 50" inch potential that sits … This freshwater lake sits in northeastern Minnesota. Read this page and you will have plenty of Muskies to crow about! He was quoted in his Although John never received credit for his record, he has had four mounted, including a 55 1/2 inch caught off of Lake Sallie back in 2007.I think it is pretty evident that the state of Minnesota manages for trophy muskie. Bear in mind that many different year-classes of Muskellunge are present, spread out in different areas of the lake according to size. Southern Musky Outfitters’ guide Andrew Fenstermaker with a nice fish. Minnesota actively manages 99 lakes for muskie (with many others having unmanaged populations). Legend has it that some huge ones have been caught here! Best Minnesota Lakes for Muskie (Muskellunge) by Maureen Johnson, featured columnist. The Time I Hunted with a Waterfowl Poacher (and Didn’t Know It) Fishing. Be sure to try your fortune at Half Moon Bar and Ordway’s Bar, as well as any deeply-vegetated areas you discover.Everyone knows this lake is prime stomping for Muskellunge, yet most fear its 130,000-acre size will be too much for their tiny watercraft on windy days.
The lake’s acute shoreline drop-offs and shallow reefs are popular spots for those hoping to hook these babies. While the lakes are scattered throughout the state, there are some bodies of water worth highlighting in each region. And should the shoreline not produce-an unlikely scenario-spray baits at the two humps on the west end of the lake.
Buy a Minnesota lake home with muskies in it and you will be crowing all the time. Hunting. Good bait choices are topwaters, bucktails, spinnerbaits, and jerkbaits.This lake is a top choice when it’s quantity you’re after! Even if you’re not lucky enough to catch one that large, you’ll likely stumble across plenty of 30-inch beauties. 4 Technical Aspects of Trail Cameras You Should Know Before Buying One. Get a Minnesota lake home on Lake Minnetonka!This huge Metro lake in the area near Mound is reputed to yield a decent number of 40- to 50-inch Muskellunge (despite what the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources survey indicates)! It’s also best to come here on a weekday, as the fishing pressure here on the weekend may be less than ideal.Located in No. Much of the Muskellunge activity occurs along the east shore, from the north to the south end. The species that creates the most concern is the walleye. Look beyond the millfoil on the shore toward the cabbage and beds of coontail; this is where you want to be, especially 12 to 15 ft. from Manitou Island, where cabbage is abundant. The 54-pound Minnesota record-breaking muskie was caught right here in this lake and fishermen still testify to its top-notch fishing. Minnesota Rivers Shown on the Map: Big Fork River, Blue Earth River, Buffalo River, Cannon River, Chippewa River, Cloquet River, Cottonwood River, Crow River, Crow Wing River, Des Moines River, Little Fork River, Minnesota River, Mississippi River, Pomme De Terre River, Rainy River, Red Lake River, Redwood River, Root River, Roseau River, Rum River, St. Croix River and St. Louis River. Buy a Minnesota lake home with muskies in it and you will be crowing all the time.Fishermen lie about Muskellunges. They tend to keep densities low and quality high, meaning there are a lot of lakes with large fish, leaving plenty of opportunity for their anglers.I guess you could say that Minnesota gives the "fish of 10,000 casts" a whole new meaning.The most popular include Vermillion, Leech, Lake of the Woods, Winnibigoshish, Cass, and Mille Lacs.
Work the area with a CJ’s black or silver spinnerbait that resembles crappie, or Musky Mania Burts diving jerkbaits.
Most of the Muskellunge here are teensy weensy, yet there are several 50-inchers lurking about with your name on them!
Josh Stevenson is a United States Coast Guard (USCG) Licensed Captain and has guided professionally for over 25 years.
You just have to know where to look. The dark-water, seven-basin lake 3 miles west of Aitkin is 1,769 acres, with maximum depths of 28 to 106 ft.. Musky Fishing Never Stops in the South. Plus, there’s plenty of sunnies, northern pike, and largemouth bass for some variety.