God will end all human suffering.
It is so difficult to watch our children suffer, and when our prayers are not answered exactly as we would like. But you are so right, Maree Dee…God is right there with us! Have you ever wondered where God was when you were suffering?Even more so when one of my kids were suffering. Where is God in suffering is a question that most of us would have battled with at some stage of our life. The archetypal example of our suffering was Jesus Christ, who was persecuted and crucified by the Roman officials.
Suffering will indeed come, but God can give us grace and power to overcome every trial and to fulfill our purpose and mission in His kingdom.
If there is no justice, there is no injustice. Love this linkup and all the great content and bloggers I’m finding through here. Wherever there is suffering, there is a battle — a battle for your soul. Recently I ran into someone that I hadn't seen in a few years. On the contrary, says Boston College Professor of Philosophy Peter Kreeft. . No one wants to see their children go through hardships, especially when it’s things outside of their control.In the midst of those situations, we often begin to I was reminded of just how much I’ve let doubt creep in, when I read this excerpt from her post:We prayed and prayed. When we believe for something for so long, like Elaine, we grow weary and doubt can begin to manifest and grow.I love Elaine’s response to this doubt that sought to take over!
But not in It’s so easy to forget how much we are loved in the midst of suffering. Thank you for the post and the linkup,It really is difficult to see our kids suffer. Delete.
According to the Bible, God will bring an end to the suffering of every human on the planet. The book of Job shows us there can be two ways to respond to suffering: one that curses God because of suffering and one that praises God, even in the midst of suffering (Job 2:9–10). I read a post by Elaine this week, where she describes the suffering her children have been through and how doubt began to control her thoughts. We'll send you an email with steps on how to reset your password. I always find encouraging posts here!Loved the honesty in this post. Physical, emotional and spiritual pain has been and will be an intrinsic part of the human experience.
Please enter your email address associated with your Salem All-Pass account, then click Continue. Grab this free 5 day series to learn how to Battle Fear at it’s onset.Do you pray for your family?
This is such an encouragement to me today – a day where I was feeling discouraged. We Need Your Help to Provide a Bible for a Service Member or Veteran! Most of us can say that we pray casually for our families. I love being at home. It is evident that the world is full of suffering. Both children were healed in His unique way, and in His time.
Thank you.
By means of his heavenly Kingdom, Jehovah will drastically change the human condition —for the better. Or perhaps you feel like you pray the same thing over and over and somehow GodHave you ever had those moments where you felt attacked in every direction and you weren't sure what to do? Specially, ‘why innocent children have to suffer’ or ‘why good people have to suffer’ are questions that most people cannot understand. It reminds me of darker days when I relied on him for every single step as I approached a treatment center where my child was residing. Thank you for an encouraging post! All that we suffer and all that we endure, especially when we endure it patiently, builds up our characters, purifies our hearts, expands our souls, and makes us more tender and charitable, more worthy to be called the children of God .
Suffering will indeed come, but God can give us grace and power to overcome every trial and to fulfill our purpose and mission in His kingdom. He will never leave us nor forsake us but take every step with us. Thank you for hosting!I love when God shows up in that way! Thank you so much for the feature!