It is a large bucktail jig weighing 4 to 8 oz or more and can be just about any color you can imagine.

They often move North during spring and back south during fall as the cool weather sets in.

Good info as I am getting more familiar with Chesapeake Bay species.I have heard they come alive in a big way if you just bring them on the deck of the boat Moral of the story; fight them in the water to wear them out Great advice!If you get a bait in front of one he'll eat it. Fishing, whether recreational, charter, or commercial fishing, has been a way of life for Glen since he was little.Read all about cobia below: where they live, and how and where they feed. Topwater plugs, suspending and diving crank baits, and imitation eel lures all catch fish.

I know that I need Heavy gear and warm and clear water. Hardhead catfish make great cobia baits.

Long leaders will also ensure your leader takes the brunt of the abuse, not your 30-pound test line, since skirmishes with these determined fish can lead to frayed lines. Comments are not for promoting your articles or other sites.Nicely done.

To see cobia in action, start your fishing excursion in the mid-morning or early afternoon.

If you prefer to sight fish, cast the bait a few feet away from the fish and let it move in front of the fish’s path. You can find great catch when you fish for cobia in the beaches and near buoys, bridges, and markers during fall and spring.Cobias are migratory fish, therefore, where you find them will vary depending on the season.

Please choose which areas of our service you consent to our doing so.Cobia are often mistaken for sharks when seen from above because of the dark coloring and shape of their heads.Cobia often associate with other large marine life.Williamson Banjo Eye Jig 4 Red/White BEJ4RW: Banjo Eye Jig 4 Red/White, Red/White
Second, some lures gain a bit of action when on a small loop rather than tied directly to the leader.

Once hooked, cobia can have long and powerful runs. Feeding takes place from the surface to the bottom during daylight hours, with the heaviest feeding at dawn and dusk.

Catching cobia from a pier is not only possible, it is sometimes preferable. Balloons are also an effective way to target cobia.

It is important to know that cobia thrive in a protected environment.The daily limit is one cobia per person. You should take up fishing I bet you'd enjoy it!I've never head of cobia so I can honestly say I've learned a lot!
Cobia will come up off the structure and swim right up to the boat, and often around the boat. Registered User. Always keep an eye out for rays and sea turtles as well, since ling love to follow both types of animals looking for easy meals.Once the spring run is over and cobia have settled into their summer patterns, they actually become easier to catch than during the springtime. The reel should be spooled with at least 225 yds of 20-30 lb test. The dorsal fins of this fish are offset by smaller fins.One of the most distinct features about cobia is that they often hold their pectoral fins horizontally. Collapse. new posts. Keep in mind, casting far distances is not usually required for cobia fishing on the shoals.

Snell the hook to a 24- to 36-inch fluorocarbon leader.When throwing artificial lures it is a good idea to crimp the lure to the line using a small sleeve. TACKLE AND BAITS: Surf tackle is the best bet for pier fishing—and for boat fishing when long casts with heavy lures are called for. However, you may lose a few lures as they often hook the host and not the intended fish. However, they generally have a migratory nature.

Eels are a good go-to bait as are crabs. Even after fighting one on rod and reel, it is best to have the cooler or fish hold open before you ever stick a gaff in the fish. You will need heavier tackle than … Here are the top live baits for cobia fising.

The diet of this fish is predominantly composed of crabs.Cobias are aggressive creatures and can be fished using a wide range of lures. However, this presents its own unique set of challenges because catching cobia at such close range can be physically challenging because of their immense power and strength.Cobia fishing is a lot different from conventional fishing. During the winter in the Florida Keys, anglers will search the many reefs for cobia, moving from reef to reef until a pair is found (cobia are rarely in schools, but will often pair up).If you’re unable to fish for a boat, there are several piers along the Gulf and Atlantic Coast that you can fish from. Cobia The way I use to catch cobia from the surf.

Time. Of course maybe that fish was just thirsty, but somehow I doubt there are a bunch of alcoholic cobia out there in the world.Locating cobia really depends on the time of the year you are fishing.

You will also want good casting abilities with your rig.

You can grill, pan fry, or bake your fillets with just light seasoning. Take our word for it and try this super fun fishing adventure. Cobia does not chase down food like other types of fish. Filter. During the winter (and colder months) they will move south or offshore to warmer waters.