Thelma Todd was a star of silent movies and later the talkies. Well, Susan, that is certainly a new one on me.It is ridiculousness at its grandest to suggest Stan Laurel offed Thelma. All in all, her life was a recipe for disaster, as she ultimately discovered.Perhaps, she was just unlucky. She knew he closed up the café at 2am, but she dallied at the party and it was much later when she finally had Peters drive her home. ?either yes or no…… I would say lucky luciano did it or an associate of lucky luciano maybe even bugsy siegel it definatetly was not a suicide or an accident(even if it looked like one)thelma todd knew and had crossed paths with to many criminals and dangerous ones at that for her death to be just a suicide or an accident.Thankyou for your interesting comments, Ashley. Ida rang her to say she had also ran into Thelma’s ex-husband, Pat DiCicco, and invited him as well. ?it would be highly understandable for an innocent person who did’nt want to be accused/condemned of a crime after they had discovered someone else dead in suspicious curcumstances not to raise the alarm.I am beginning to wonder if this was the reason why roland west gave the confession on his death bed as to knowing more about thelma’s death then he had let on i.e not because he was responsible for her death but because he had had the terrible misfortune to come across such a harrowing scene himself.if this is what happened then thelma todd’s death was an accident(even if the events leading up to it were not)i maybe wrong but i don’t believe that her dead body was placed in the vehicle for a number of strong reasons if this is’nt what happened and her assaliant turned on the ignition knowing that she was in it and still alive and then left the scene then its murder plain and simple……and her assiliant was off course none other than pat dicicco.There are so many possible scenarios, Ashley, I seriously doubt if any indisputable solution will be ever reached given the lapse of time, but it is certainly an interesting consideration. Everything after that becomes surmise.
I also think the menu at that party is a crucial piece of evidence but it has never come to light as far as I am aware. If I want to be sensationalistic to the point of ridiculousness, my father had as good a chance at killing her as anyone suspected, he was 23 years old, 6’4″, was born, raised and lived 3-3/4 miles away from the death scene, was distantly acquainted with Stan Laurel and was movie star good looking.
It isn’t like a modern car where one sits down and just turns a key to start the engine.Look at the position of her legs in the photo taken from the passenger side door.