If you believe the construct of Hell is real, then we can have that argument. Because I, I think you can get it confused. That’s a big a point. When they speak up, it matters a lot to me because I know they are coming from the right place.”

You know, I, I, uh, and these are things that like, uh, you know, I can never ever go back and fix it. “There are people who are team players and really care about the company. Most of the time, these little gifts were what Adam Grant, crediting businessman Adam Rifkin in his book Give and Take, calls “five-minute favors.” They are easy for the person doing the favor, requiring minimal personal cost, but mean a lot to the recipient.7 Grant also notes, in a 2017 article written with Reb Rebele, that “being an effective giver isn’t about dropping everything every time for every person.

So again, Bill Campbell, we’re talking about a guy who is so massive, so successful, such an impact, but people are going, I’ve never heard about this guy.

Instead of saying yes to every request for help, they look for high-impact, low-cost ways of giving so that they can sustain their generosity—and enjoy it along the way.” So you feel entitled, you feel in talking about right now and right now you feel entitled speak that way to me, I get it. Principle number five, this is important because every company has its own culture. He liked to spend his Saturday mornings planning and then he liked to go 90 miles an hour during the week. Now I’m not encouraging you to lie to your team, but think about this. And then put processes in place. So I mean the patient flow throughout the day, you know, from one station to the next as we worked through therapies and then the adjustment, um, checking in and out.
I suggested that he to the next committee meeting and sit down with the team and say, “Look, I really didn’t like this and let me tell you why.” And then they’d get a chance to say, “Well, let me tell you the problem.”  I don’t know how many hours we wasted answering electronic messages just to address something that he could’ve been settled during a brief hallway conversation.” – Bill Campbell (The business coach of Steve Jobs, Jeff Bezos, Eric Schmidt) – https://www.inc.com/geoffrey-james/exclusive-interview-with-bill-campbell.html“The reality is that you have to earn leadership from the people that you’re working with and who are working for you,” Sculley told Business Insider. So Tuesday.

Okay. – “Hire a great person for every single job in your company. Like I don’t, so like I just don’t, I’ve had to learn that, um, just want to dive theI mean I’m just being, I mean this is how I am. By the way, there’s a great new interview that just came out with a Tim Ferris and Eric Schmidt, the author of [inaudible] trillion dollar coach in a CEO of Google where he interviews him about Bill Campbell.Oh, so I want to put a link to the Tim Ferriss show on our show notes because that is a, an entire podcast devoted to Tim Ferris interviewing Eric Schmidt about his relationship with Bill Campbell. – “One of the greatest boom and bust of the technology era is electronic mail. They might say they want to hit deadlines. So it’s all on a need to know basis and like you just said, I mean the 10, 10 x, uh, you know, idea, you do know more and you’ve got a bigger picture and, and if you’re running your business well, you’ve got that 30,000 foot view as well as being, you know, in the mixed, in the middle of it. They’re just, that’s your deal. And I want to just pile on with this, um, Jason Elephant in the room. I might add because Columbia is not necessarily a powerhouse for football you’re not known for. Yeah. It’s awesome. Know what he’s doing is he’s saying, hey, let’s get the management team rowing in the same direction. It’s, it’s constantly am I am I, am I wrong here? And our kids aren’t playing in the corner.