Of course I would care! Take this quiz to see if you're a Leninist, Marxist-Leninist, Marxist, Maoist, Stalinist, or Social Democrat/Liberal Socialist. Everyone is free to get rich and live in a mansion if they want. Capitalism is not bad, but we should universalize healthcare and publicize schools and transportation.
Everyone is equal and no one is oppressed.

You’re a diligent, intelligent type who loves to study, and to understand how things work. People are not uniform in a capitalism. You’re pretty well-respected by those around you, and often your opinion really counts. Religion is untrue and harmful and should be attacked by the state. I HAVE MONEY! It should be legal and heavily funded because of importance for science and medicine. Capitalist, Communist, or Socialist?

Release them - the government has no right to do any of the above. Should the rights of the individual be sacrificed for the good of society? Death penalty - they have committed a crime and are of no use to society. The once-poor people will have as much money as the rich.

Maybe you hated communism and this may change your mind, strange things happen.What is GotoQuiz? A and B

Democrat Party-USA Of course I would not mind. Do you unknowingly support it or anything else instead of a democracy? We are comrades and we must help each other. Would you mind living with another family or two?
Are You A Racist? To protect the nation's borders and its cultural and national identity. So well done for that.

Would you mind waiting a few extra days or weeks for healthcare?

Yes - if it is mandated by a court to protect human rights. To control all elements of society so as to ensure it benefits everyone.

Public schools are the only available education, and even collage and other higher education is public. I get more money than everyone.

you would use the $100 to buy them shelter and food for a short period of time by that time they should be up on their Feet. People work different hours but still earn same amount.Would you mind giving up your property to the State? Quiz: Are You A Communist? You’re pretty well-respected by those around you, and often your opinion really counts. Everyone is equal and the same.


Take this quiz to see if you're a Leninist, Marxist-Leninist, Marxist, Maoist, Stalinist, or Social Democrat/Liberal Socialist. I agree with A Government run organisations are the best type of company. Would you mind earning minimum wage if everyone else did? It should be legal but I shouldn't have to pay money for it.