Heading out to deeper water when it is in close proximity can sometimes make a difference as it usually contains much more dissolved oxygen than a shallow flat, especially in the summer time.For more on Strong Angler Marc Krsek, check him out I really appreciate your tip on how fish aren’t meant to feel the pressure of gravity on their organs like we are. If we all follow the rules of good fish handling practices, these fish will be here for years to come for us all to enjoy.

By using our site, you agree to our Include your email address to get a message when this question is answered.Make sure you have the proper gear for the fish you hope to catch. After all, it isn't hard on the water! And support him on it and I already knew the catch and release procedure from Addictive Fishing. Unlike many smaller fish, walleye have a strong jaw and sharp teeth.

Once the fish is in the net, do not rush to handle it right away – leave the fish and the net in the water until it the fish is calm and the stress of the fight wears off both of you.Once your adrenaline has stabilized, the fish has likely recovered as well.

My general rule is to keep my hands out of the gill plate at all costs to prevent any damages to the gills themselves, which are comparable to a human’s lungs.For smaller walleye, under 22”, I generally grab behind the gill plates from above the head using my palm to keep the dorsal fin tucked in. My wife and I have been thinking of going on a fishing trip with our son so we can bond with him before he goes off to college.

When I go fishing, I don’t usually catch anything so to have such large fish around is really cool.

By Gerry Bethge.

Even a minor brush with the gills can damage the small red filaments and lead to problems absorbing oxygen. Please try again.We will never spam you and will never share your e-mail.While spending some time online perusing my favourite With restrictions easing Northeastern Ontario has been welcoming Canadian guests back to enjoy fishing trips of a lifetime while safely distancing.

The vertical stress on the internal organs can displace them and cause the fish a slow and painful death. Latest. We have all seen it at one point or another…A picture pops up on a forum, facebook page, or other forms of social media of a beautiful trophy fish being badly handled.

This article was co-authored by our trained team of editors and researchers who validated it for accuracy and comprehensiveness.

Just keep your rod tip up, above 10 o’clock, line tight, and let your reel’s drag and rod action fight the fish. The fight alone causes the fish to exert enormous amounts of energy and our handling shouldn’t add to their stress levels. To put it into perspective, it would be like a human trying to run for his or her ife with a bag over their head.

These sizes can be found in the same body of water with the latter being few and far between.The mentality surrounding northern pike as a nuisance fish, mainly in the smaller dense population, has led to some anglers purposely injuring, wrongfully handling, and removing these fish from their waters.