Fish these channels where food will draw into. Tarpon will congregate in these channels facing “upstream”. Jay calls, “greyhounding,” those are the schools that typically aren’t interested in eating.You want to find the tarpon schools that are moving slowly, or not moving at all and just milling and rolling over each other.Those are the happy tarpon that aren’t spooked and will be more likely to take your bait.Once you’ve found a school, motored up ahead of them, and anchored, it’s time to cast out your baits.But be sure to not cast out your bait too early or too late.If you cast too early, your dead bait could get eaten by crabs and pinfish, or your live bait could have moved out of the tarpons’ path.Tarpon are smart fish, and if you cast too late right on top of them, well, they know that food doesn’t just drop from the sky, so they’ll be extra wary of your bait.With tarpon (and any other fish, really) your bait needs to look natural.If you’re drifting through a pass with a pass crab, be sure that the crab is drifting along naturally.If the boat is pulling the crab and it’s flapping on top of the water, you’ll have no chance at catching a tarpon.Sometimes they’ll eat live bait, and other times they’ll prefer dead bait, so Capt. Nighttime fishing can be good too if you are using live or fresh bait. Be sure to read each section thoroughly so you can make the best fishing decisions for long-term tarpon fishing success.Tides can have a big impact on tarpon. That is one of the reasons you need the best gear, including You can check out these guys hauling in a lucky three Sailfish in around three minutes, not something most of us are going to experience out on the water in Florida!Grass Carp are tricky to catch in Florida because they do not take The Blue Marlin is a rare Florida fish and those who are lucky enough to hook one need to be ready for a big fight. When it starts swimming away, start reeling in the circle hook that is hooked up on the fish’s mouth. Follow the tips given here and you’ll be catching tarpon in no time. Below I discuss how to catch tarpon and the best lures and baits to use when tarpon fishing. There are some anglers who have caught 100 lb. You can catch tarpon at night as long as you are patient and pick a good location. Tarpon will remain here until about early June. Let’s take an in-depth look to learn where and when you need to be on the water fishing for tarpon for optimum results. Once a sailfish is hooked it puts up a challenging fight. The best time of day to catch tarpon reported by many anglers is early morning and late afternoon on most days. For all these reasons it is easy to see why it’s so important to carefully release each and every tarpon. In the past 30 years, however, fortunes have improved for the bay, and with that, so has the fishing for silver kings. Usually, the tarpon runs fast before a jump so the angler has a tendency to what to pull back hard, which is the opposite of what you should be doing. This fish species is very hard to catch because they are just so damn fast. Don’t fish during mid-tide because the back and forth of the current will stir up sediment and make the water very murky. In the Gulf of Mexico, Caribbean, and Florida, water temperatures will reach favorable levels around March but sometimes as late as early April. "Pandemia: Latinos in Crisis" explores why the coronavirus has been so hard on the Latino community. I don’t recommend fishing for tarpon at high tide if you want to catch a lot of fish.