"Dunsen, Polliver, Chiswyck, Raff the Sweetling. Now that the battle is over, there’s still more for her to do however, as there are still enemies left to be dispatched from her kill list.It’s been a long eight years however, so you’d be forgiven for not remembering everyone that made her list and why.Here’s a quick reminder of who Arya still has left to kill.Queen B Cersei has been on the list for quite some time for the role she played in the death of Arya’s father Ned Stark back in season one.Now that the army of the dead have been defeated – let’s hear it for our MVP Arya – the last enemy left for all of the good guys to take down on GOT is Cersei, who promised her full support in The Battle of Winterfell but didn’t follow through.Instead, she plots and builds a more powerful army in preparation for the last war.Arya’s relationship with The Hound, aka Sandor Clegane, is complicated.She originally wanted him dead for killing her friend Mycah on Joffrey’s orders back in the first season, but since then, they’ve travelled together – admittedly against Arya’s will at the time – and they’ve developed a close, if insult-ridden bond as a result, with Clegane saving her life in the Battle of Winterfell.So there’s a pretty good chance that The Hound isn’t on Arya’s list anymore.As to whether or not he’ll make a comeback for season eight, that remains to be seen.The Mountain is another complicated one, since his character isn’t technically dead, but he isn’t fully alive either.The cruel Gregor Clegane is on Arya’s list for leading the awful tortures at Herrenhal, which Arya witnessed firsthand as a prisoner.However, since then, in a legally mandated duel with Oberyn Martell (RIP) he was mortally wounded with Martell’s poison-tipped spear before crushing his opponent’s skull.Cersei, for whom The Mountain was fighting for at the time, got the maester Qyburn to save him, but The Mountain has never been the same since.Walder Frey, his two sons Lame Lothar and Black Walder, and Merryn Trant, were all killed by Arya in seasons past.Beric Dondarrion, Melisandre, Thoris of Myr, Joffrey Lannster, Tywin Lannister have all either died at the hands of other people, themselves, or the White Walkers and their army of the dead.I’m A Celebrity stars won't get VIP treatment or family visits when they leave the jungleAnt and Dec announce much-deserved break ahead of Britain's Got Talent returnThe Umbrella Academy 2: Who was the real Umbrella Man in the JFK assassination?George RR Martin broke his word and Game of Thrones fans are permitted to 'imprison him'Willa in Game of Thrones explained: Why Sophie Turner baby name theories are wrongEmilia Clarke defended Nathalie Emmanuel over 'incident' with Game of Thrones starLooking to buy in London? @Edlothiad I thought it was vague enough and tagged for both that it was appropriate. Arya did not Arya has not stopped mentioning Ilyn Payne in her prayer. Sweetling, The Titan's eyes seemed brighter now, and farther apart. The people still on Arya’s kill list are: Cersei, Ilyn Payne, Melisandre, Beric Dondarrion, Thoros of Myr, The Mountain, The Hound. Since most of the others, like Cersei and Joffrey Lannister, die in ways out of Arya's control (getting buried alive, being poisoned), there's only one more name remaining: Ser Ilyn Payne. "Ser Gregor," she breathed. the Hound . If she's going to get through them all, the show's final episodes are going to be busy…and bloody. June 13, 2018 by Shannon Vestal Robson.