Desktop Mode works like a typical desktop, as in all versions of Windows earlier than Windows 8, but with slightly different functionality and appearance. Click the Navigation tab, then check the box next to Go to the desktop instead of Start when I sign in. Hooray for the Luddites. Adding insult to injury in the Windows 8 environment, you may have noticed that the Start page -- the one with all of the newfangled tiles -- doesn't include all of the apps that you've painstakingly searched for and downloaded.The full listing of apps are in a page called Apps, not Start. Then on the command comprompt character use your finger to slide from top to bottom, and click once more Executable by system administrator.If you are using a mouse, click on the … It is pretty easy to switch from Metro to classic Desktop mode and vice-versa.When you are in the Metro interface, you should have an icon called You are now on the classic Desktop and use your computer like Windows 7/Vista …If you want to go back to Metro interface, from the classic Desktop, press the Start button.Press the Windows key to switch between these 2 types of desktops: Classic and Metro.Go to the bottom-right side of your screen and put the mouse hover this icon.Then, a new vertical menu will appear (also called You are now on the classic Desktop. Thank you very much for taking the time to explain all these new Windows 8 environment. Here there are different shortcuts to different applications and services of Microsoft Store; also, the Windows 8 Metro interface is designed to be more friendly with touch events (drag with finger or touchscreen).If you are new to Windows 8, you may find this Metro desktop a little annoying and you may want to use the default Desktop style. To help support our mission, we may earn affiliate commissions from links contained on this page. Thank U!! There are several options available, but the best is Windows 8.1 is a touch-friendly operating system, though sometimes reaching up to tap the screen isn't the fastest way to get things done. Hit on Navigation tab. No third party apps required. Tap or click notifications icon in the lower-right corner of the window then select or close tablet mode icon to switch. Techopedia explains Desktop Mode It is a nice accessory. To check if Tablet Mode is enabled (and to disable it if that is the case), press the Windows key + R … It's also the thing that has created so much hatred for Windows 8. FWIW I currently have Start 8 installed on my non-touch screen HP G60-447CL laptop but have it disabled simply because I have come to use and really like the new modern UI (aka Metro) start window. Right click on taskbar (the empty space in the row where start button is located) and select properties. Even though 99.9% of Windows programs run in desktop mode, the new OS effectively forces you to return to Metro when you want to browse through your applications and launch one. Here are four types of helpful Charms are Windows 8 menus that you can reveal by swiping in from the right edge or down from the top of the screen. You can boot windows 8 directly to the desktop by configuring one of the utilitie in windows 8. Turn on your PC and enter desktop mode. This will work with any file type; just download the Desktop app you want to use first.Google Chrome has both a Desktop and a Windows 8 mode and will load in the latter environment if it's the default browser.

Should virtual fans be used on TV broadcasts of sporting events during the pandemic? If, however, Tablet Mode is enabled on the Windows 10 operating system, it might cause issues with missing desktop/icons - disabling Tablet Mode might fix this problem. On a tablet or a system with a touch-panel display, you can also access the Action Center settings by performing a quick swipe from the right edge of the screen.. For more information using Tablet mode with your PC, refer to the following Microsoft article: Get Started with Windows 10 - Use your PC like a … Those are nice to memorize.I use Start8. It’s unfortunate that the technorazzi rail against things that aren’t that complicated to adjust. Go to the desktop mode. Starting Windows 8 in Safe Mode is identical in both the Pro and standard editions of Windows 8, Windows 8.1, and Windows 8.1 Update. thanks for the useful information. Use the media creation tool (aprx. How to switch. Windows 8/8.1 comes with a new interface, called Metro. In Windows 8.1, there is even a Start Menu, though it doesn't work quite the same.To change the background image and colors in Desktop mode, right-click anywhere on the desktop and choose Personalize from the menu that pops up.

However, I am thinking it might be best to delete it and use W8 the way it was designed to be used.I prefer the desktop over the metro and I appreciate the advice regarding the PDF reader. Is there a piece of tech you'd like to know how to operate properly?