'Taker simply wanted to show fans he could still evolve while honoring the nostalgic characters WWE crafted. Speculation has led to the idea that WWE may have shot this match like a Hollywood production. According to the WWE icon, the "Unholy Trinity" is an amalgamation of his classic 'Deadman' and 'American Bad Ass' characters, but also has a sprinkling of real-life Mark Calaway on top too. Click the button below to start this article in quick view. With that in mind, the Unholy Trinity might be the three personalities of The Undertaker: The Deadman, Big Evil and The American Bad Ass. Following along with his dad, CP picked up reading in a couple of weeks.Everything he’s read or has seen has influenced him in some way as he creates his own worlds.The Overtimer - WWE AEW NJPW Soap Operas Daytime TV Netflix HBOWWE Who is the Undertaker’s Unholy Trinity for WrestleMania 36?WWE Who is the Undertaker’s Unholy Trinity for WrestleMania 36?

And based on the reception, fans clearly saw the amazing storytelling and realized that Styles played a major part in inviting this new form of hell to emerge from Calaway's demonic arsenal.I'm a former Chemical Engineer. His favorite books were Sherlock Holmes, Treasure Island, Dracula, and Star Trek.Never one to do things the easy way, CP refused to learn to read in school, so his dad taught him through comic books. It was boring so I decided to write about things I love. But as the Phenomenal One set up a match against the Phenom, the nature of the bout had to be changed due to COVID-19.

Besides, how awesome would it be to see three skyscrapers overshadow AJ Styles and the OC? As the flames emerged and he rode off on his bike, it was clear Styles brought out the best in him: the devil, the judge, the jury and of course, the executioner.Undertaker also wanted to pay homage to Styles as well, so that their scrap would feel nostalgic but also fresh.

WWE's The Last Ride reveals why Undertaker needed to bring the Unholy Trinity out to teach A.J. On the geek side of things, I write about comics, cartoons, video games, television, movies and basically, all things nerdy.

Not bad for someone from the Caribbean, eh? There are a few possibilities, but the recent coronavirus countermeasures and real life responsibilities may keep a couple of these from happening, but never say never in the professional wrestling world. And yes, I've written sports for them too!

Styles said he'd ensure Undertaker would rest in peace because the Dead Man was no more; all that was left was the shell of Mark Calaway.The mic work was so good that even Michelle got angry, texting Styles' wife about how much she hated his words -- in other words, Styles was selling the fight brilliantly.